[Plugin] s4u_toComponents
I'm guessing you are a more experienced programmer than me(cant see your code cause it's scrambled), but I believe that.
Since we have been working on similar things. I mean, if you want any snippets of code, ideas, thoughts or discoveries found out during tests during development of Hatchfaces. Let me know. PM me.
If you wanna do your own thing, that's fine too. I understand.
Better interface. Hm, If it can be avoided, it's easier.
But have a look at Thomthom's new widgets.
They might make webdialog business much easier. -
Thanks Jolran,good idea!
I like your plugin,i will study it,
This plugin hasn't been optimized yet.
So i didn't post code.
But i have post the others already. -
@unknownuser said:
like your plugin,i will study it,
Thanks, but current release is only linehatches orginating from TIG's mentoring.
It probably won't help you.I havent released tiling for Components onto surface yet since I thought it was to slow when scaling non-uniformally.
Aligning a Component to the center of a Square face and scaling it to fit is relatively easy. But not when face is tapered. Mostly common in spheric objects and bulges.
As you most certainly have discovered there is no API-method for tapering.
So that means when a face is not paralleogram(?) one has to go in and alter each tiled Component individually == make Component uniq.Maybe you have found some nice solution for this, I don't know.
In my case I came up with a linesweep algoritm that scanned the face vertices and scaled the Component to be tapered. As mentioned going in doing this sweep and translating Components vertices X n.times is gonna be slow nomatterwhat.
If this could be taken externally in C perhaps would help, but still won't be faster than API methods. I reckon.. Kind of a Catch 22.
If looking on the positive side of things, since I'm starting to sound a bit negative.
It's better to sit and wait a couple of minutes than putting the Components there manuallyAs long as Sketchup doesent freezes
Anyway, will be interesting to see what you come up with.
Any chance this plugin can be designed to work with thomthom's Quads definition, so we can finally get a proper panelisation tool?
Currently only works with planar surfaces. It would be awesome if it would work with non-planar quads and perhaps allow thickness to be defined.
paralleogram face,I use API "entities.transform_by_vectors sub_entities, vector_array" move vertices in component.Length vector is ratio x,y of vertex.
I would like that works with non-planar surfaces ,take time to work -
I'm your biggest fan!
Thanks! -
I just have sent you a donation!
Thank you very much for your 10 cups of Vietnamese coffee.
can you help me how to download and install this? im having a hard time i really need this great plugin
thank you very much for the help sir:) great plugin a really big help
Very cool Plugin!
I have seen on your video that V4 is existing!
But seems not updated here ?[bbvideo 640,480]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bld61FlL4vw
[/bbvideo] -
Hi Pilou!
This is S4u-toComponents v4.0.7
I will update on this July 04.
It's cost 10$ -
thx for the info!
It's ready.
I hope you enjoy my plugin. -
It's such a brilliant plugin! I love these kind of "modifiers"...superb...Thanks again!
Thanks pep75!
thanks biggest fan! ... -
I AM! Yes! Uhmm..but one question, I've installed the plugin but I don't get the extended toolbar like you..I still have the normal 5 icons..is this correct?
Thank you! -
You try delete old version in folder plugin sketchup
YES it Works! Now I've the 'Immense' toolbar!
Thanks again!!!!