Mon$anto vs. Mother Earth
@mics_54 said:
Well hell if Jeff doesn't like the thread...I QUIT!
(not really)
it's not that i don't like it.. just that it's a sub-arguement of a bigger problem.. it always comes back to money and/or the monetary system.
deal with that properly and all these other problems go away.. without even arguing about them
@unknownuser said:
it's not that i don't like it.. just that it's a sub-arguement of a bigger problem.. it always comes back to money and/or the monetary system.
deal with that properly and all these other problems go away.. without even arguing about them
+1 Well said. Money and greed.
I agree... those organic growers are as greedy as any mega corporation!... 1/3 of the Earth's population will starve if we're left to organic agriculture.
@mics_54 said:
I agree... those organic growers are as greedy as any mega corporation!... 1/3 of the Earth's population will starve if we're left to organic agriculture.
Mmmmmm, I know some local organic growers that are far from being greedy people. I also imagine that not all GMO growers are greedy people!
Its when BIG BUCKS get into the equation that things change for the worse.
... and this leads on to the other elephant in the room. The Earth's resources are finite and that includes food production at a sustainable level so the increasing world population had better 'get on the pill!' ...... fast!
Mayor, you must of missed the part of the video that indicated that the major shareholders in organic growing are major corporations now.
@mics_54 said:
Mayor, you must of missed the part of the video that indicated that the major shareholders in organic growing are major corporations now.
No, I didn't miss it.
This app might help with the supermarket shopping -
@holmes1977 said:
This app might help with the supermarket shopping, and shared on FaceBook
By the way Mike I don't think those breasts were organically grown
(*language -(but what do you expect.. it's george carlin))
@mics_54 said:
Mayor, you must of missed the part of the video that indicated that the major shareholders in organic growing are major corporations now.
it's getting pretty obvious by now that the term 'organic food', at least in the u.s, has become more of a marketing term.. the big box grocery stores are plastered with organic this and organic that but, like you said @mic, it's the major corporations owning that now.. the same 5 huge corporations that stock your entire grocery store are now labeling their crap organic and people are paying more and feeling good about it.. as if they're doing good for them and the earth
regardless, that^ is more of a rant.. more to the point is that i don't care what it's being called.. most (and i'd seriously guess around 98% u.s) do not know where their food is coming from.. we don't have much of a clue about what exactly it is we're eating or where it's coming from. it's nuts
and maybe even more nuts (sociopath style) that the corporations are intentionally hiding/buying the truth. -
This app might help with the supermarket shopping ... ping-cart/leftist baloney
@mics_54 said:
leftist baloney
i wish we could ditch this whole republican vs. democrat thing.
it just feels like (at least in the u.s) that's part of the scam.. look, 1/2 the population is republican and 1/2 is democrat.. if you think about it, there's really not much ideological difference at all between the two parties. the key differences are things that, in the big picture, have nothing to do with anything.. religion, abortion, gay people, etc..
and those politicians show us how to fight via their 'debates' then, for the next four years, we sit around and argue about this stupid sh*t on the internet.. meanwhile, it's business as usual for them.
the reality seems that our arguments, at least as i see it, would be entirely more effective if the topic was named then everybody simply put democrat or republican as their response.. because it's a hell of a lot easier to do that than to spend the next 50 pages insulting each other back and forth in order to, in the end, say the same thing- "i'm republican/democrat and i think the same thing that the leader republican/democrat is telling me to think" -
it's incredibly similar to, say, the NFL.. we pick our team then defend them to no end.. we are fans and do as fans do.. and when our team wins the super bowl, it's awesome.. and if they lose, then hey - always next year
..with the political parties, they make sure it's always flipping between the two sides.. democrat this term- republican the next.. and on and on.
and there's really only one goal-- get that freaking ball into the end zone -
I didnt say anything about republicans or democrats.
but I smell where you're steppin.
@mics_54 said:
I didnt say anything about republicans or democrats.
but I smell where you're steppin.
oh.. right. i guess i quoted you but i was talking more in general.
You are right Jeff. Folks put more effort into choosing their underwear than most of the food they consume!
Did a quick search here on organic growers here in Ireland and located Irish the Organic Farmers and Growers Association Some interesting reading there also the links to Looks like the humble 'spud' is soon to have a GM cousin! However there is resistance to testing.
I located an image which I thought would be of interest to some. I know how much folks here like a good diagram
Its 'The Soil Food Web' and it shows how we are all connected!
I wonder!!!! Do the Money Brokers intend at some future date to genetically modify mankind so that the masses will serve the few more efficiently? No doubt its on the agenda for some and if they are controlling exactly what food goes into us, could they also modify this food further for other ends! We all have heard of the old saying, 'You are what you eat!' Maybe I'm just being paranoid ...... I hope so!
and now lets toss in some color to all that black and white.
FAO says Food Production must Rise by 70%
@mics_54 said:
and now lets toss in some color to all that black and white.
FAO says Food Production must Rise by 70%
...and how you think a multinational corporation is the solution to this problem is beyond me
is it not possible, in your eyes, that they are causing and/or perpetuating the problem?
@unknownuser said:
(*language -(but what do you expect.. it's george carlin))
Watched it! What language? ..... didn't notice any! ..... then again George is Irish
George has got it right! The wool may be gradually slipping over the eyes of the general population but thankfully there are a few that notice whats happening and moan about it!
Not being able to control the Net must really be pissing off Big Business! They have tried it on several occasions but have been twarted each time. Maybe they figure that they stand a better chance by getting to the 'thinkers' via GMOs, said I while sizing up a strange looking spud!