Any smokers here? Wanna quit?
yep....i noticed food and wine and coffee tastes so much better.
If you lived here in Australia, a packet of smokes would cost you around $20 a just a pack a day smoker here would have saved around $7,500....!!
I have a serviced office in Mawson Lakes near Adelaide and smoking in this building is prohibited.....but I sit here and vape all day.
It's bloody funny when I look out of my office window and watch all the smokers standing outside in the stinking heat in summer and the freezing cold of winter to feed their smelly habit while I sit here vaping in the comfort of my office...!!
.....and it doesn't trigger the smoke alarm either
Congrats Pete!!!!
I'm next, two days remaining!
Wow, congratulations Oli, Pete and stefan (in a day
I'll be joining the one year high mile club in @Gareth: Just so you know, vapour DOES set of smoke alarms.
I did it by accident when i moved into my new place a month ago.
Thought it was good to tell you this... on the other hand we could have gotten a good laugh out of you setting of your buildings alarm...but we're good people here lol -
I also had the honour to try an old fashioned cigarette a few months ago after not having smoked for a long time.
Yuk, yuk, yuk, that's all I can say -
@kwistenbiebel said:
ps: @Gareth: Just so you know, vapour DOES set of smoke alarms.
I did it by accident when i moved into my new place a month ago.
Thought it was good to tell you this... on the other hand we could have gotten a good laugh out of you setting of your buildings alarm...but we're good people here lolGeeeeeez......thanks for telling me that...!
I haven't had a problem yet though, and I vape all day with the smoke detector almost directly above me
well it has been reported by many people (reddit e.g).
I am guessing it depends on the type of smoke detector.
The one in my house is a 'nasty' one lol, it also beeps when I am taking a shower and forget to put on the fan...freightening
you've got me paranoid now...!!
i have googled the question of smoke detectors and vaping, and indeed there are many instances of smoke detectors being activated
it would appear that some types of detectors are more likely to be activated
@gareth said:
you've got me paranoid now...!!
i have googled the question of smoke detectors and vaping, and indeed there are many instances of smoke detectors being activated
it would appear that some types of detectors are more likely to be activated
I used to vape directly beneath one too with no problems. There are two different types of fire alarm for different types of fires, maybe one picks up vapour more than the other. Which leads me to wonder....which is the best type of fire alarm for a house? Could do with updating topic i know haha
@unknownuser said:
Ionization smoke detection is generally more responsive to flaming fires.
How they work: Ionization-type smoke alarms have a small amount of radioactive material between two electrically charged plates, which ionizes the air and causes current to flow between the plates. When smoke enters the chamber, it disrupts the flow of ions, thus reducing the flow of current and activating the alarm.Photoelectric smoke detection is generally more responsive to fires that begin with a long period of smoldering (called “smoldering fires”).
How they work: Photoelectric-type alarms aim a light source into a sensing chamber at an angle away from the sensor. Smoke enters the chamber, reflecting light onto the light sensor; triggering the alarm. -
So what's the deal with cartomisers?
I remember Biebel and others discussing them...the reason I ask is because the EVOD coils are becoming quite terrible.
I like to use the EVOD out and about but the coils only last a couple of days now, some just taste burnt straight out the box.
So do I need to get pre punched cartomisers? Are they essentially a tube with a dual-coil inside?
What's the difference between pre-punched and regular? I know one has a ready-made hole but what are the implications of buying one over the other?
Getting tired of "clearomisers"! haha
This is the one I use (2.5 ohm)....
On my ProVari they last about a week to a week and a half at a power setting of 4. But with this setup, if they get dropped they leak. But, I find I can clean the base, threads, and retighten everything and keep going. Just a hassle at times lol
thanks. i'm just looking for a good alternative to the EVOD for out and about. Kayfun still working like a charm, now I've found this very convenient filling valve:
Well I think I'm going to mix my own juice
Anyone seen this site?
I found these suppliers here in the states: -
Recipe site looks good. Only thing you have to work out is the concentration of nicotine. For example, I use Neat 54 nicotine liquid which is if someone is using say 100mg nicotine for example you'll just have to work that out and adjust your recipe.
My nicotine is PG based, by choice, so that also goes into your calculation for PG/VG ratio. Some people's recipes use 100mg nicotine with a 50/50 base so again, your values would change slightly.
Here are my recipes. My final nicotine level is 12mg and I'm using Neat 54 PG based nicotine (easier to syringe).
Before I mix anything I make some AG (Aqueous Glycerol) which is 85% VG and 15% De-ionised water. I make a 100ml batch of this every now and then and just keep it aside for when I need to mix. So basically 85ml VG to 15ml De-ionised water. So wherever you see AG, this is what I mean! It helps to make the liquid less viscous.
All figures are in ml (millilitres).
All flavourings are PG based.
All nicotine is PG based.If you want to add more flavouring, you just take that away from the PG value. So if you want 2ml more flavouring, just put 2ml less PG in. This will keep the ratios in check. If you want more nicotine, again, just add more nicotine and remove this value from your PG. Say for example you want to add 5ml more nicotine, just take 5ml of PG away. Your AG level should always stay the same (unless you use VG based flavouring or nicotine).
**12mg Nicotine - 60/40 PG/VG - 10% Flavour - 50ml batch - My special mix
11.1 Nicotine
13.9 PG
20 AG
2 blackberry flavouring
1.5 cantaloupe flavouring
1.5 peach flavouring12mg Nicotine - 60/40 PG/VG - 10% Flavour - 50ml batch - Juicy Fruit (or whatever flavour you like)
11.1 Nicotine
13.9 PG
20 AG
5 Juicy Fruit Flavouring......change this to whatever flavouring you like.12mg Nicotine - 60/40 PG/VG - 15% Flavour - 50ml batch
11.1 Nicotine
11.4 PG
20 AG
7.5 flavouring of your choice** -
thanks for the info!
No worries. Mixing your own is easy.
I gave up using my EVOD for out and about. Kanger have changed the coils and as a result they are very inconsistent, don't last as long and are costing too much to replace.
Anyway, after not using my Kayfun for a month or so, I recoiled it and was blown away!! I see why I fell in love with it; it's just so consistent and loads of creamy vapour. The Kayfun Version 4 is coming out soon too, wonder what that will be like. My Kayfun 3.1 has been discontinued now, I guess it's because the fill-up valve is easy to block; I just unscrew mine and fill up from the top, so much easier and quicker.
@olishea said:
No worries. Mixing your own is easy.
I gave up using my EVOD for out and about. Kanger have changed the coils and as a result they are very inconsistent, don't last as long and are costing too much to replace.
Anyway, after not using my Kayfun for a month or so, I recoiled it and was blown away!! I see why I fell in love with it; it's just so consistent and loads of creamy vapour. The Kayfun Version 4 is coming out soon too, wonder what that will be like. My Kayfun 3.1 has been discontinued now, I guess it's because the fill-up valve is easy to block; I just unscrew mine and fill up from the top, so much easier and quicker.
I always fill my Kayfuns (clones) from the top. It's indeed as easy as filling a clearomiser. I take it you are familiar with the 'hold your finger on the airhole' trick to avoid leaking.
I totally get what you mean with the Evods, I am not using them either any more, they are loud, they don't last long and eventually they either taste burnt or leak. I only like them for their stealthy form factor.
My daily stealth and bring-to-work gear consists of Iclear16's. They are fabulous when you know how to work them. It's a warm tasty little vape with not too much vapor (stealth) and a good throat hit. Trick is to fill regular so you're always more than half filled and use the lowest voltage you can. Then they last a really long time.As to Kayfuns and at-home-vape-gear in general , Kayfuns are good.... however I am totally in love with the Taifun GT at this stage. My Kayfuns are in the cupboard as I see myself taking the Taifun over anything else
As to cartomizers (your earlier post), I suggest only going for double punched cartos.
Boge LR really are the best performing ones. In general, cartos give a very consistent vape, no leaking. The draw is tight because the juice is typically soaked in filler material, so you really need the double punched or slotted ones. The flavour is very 'typical', a bit muted but fine. It is considered the old fashioned way of vaping, however a lot of people still consider it as the best all day vape with the least hassle. -
@kwistenbiebel said:
I always fill my Kayfuns (clones) from the top. It's indeed as easy as filling a clearomiser. I take it you are familiar with the 'hold your finger on the airhole' trick to avoid leaking.
Yeah I always put thumb over the airhole but it still floods a bit. Do you have to hold it upside down when you screw it back up or something? Only floods a tiny bit but it's still wasted E-liquid.
I found a place that does really cheap E-Liquid in the bulk and wholesale prices. I ordered 200ml of Vimto flavour (which is AMAZING), should be here on tuesday or wednesday.
You can buy liquid up to 25 litres in capacity!! It basically works out to be nearly 10 times cheaper than buying premixed 10ml bottles. Basically it works out to be 50 pence per bottle instead of £5 and it gets cheaper the more you buy.
I do like mixing my own liquids but the flavourings are expensive for what they are. The liquid is so cheap from this website that it negates the money saved by mixing my own. So hopefully I've found a good place to get cheap liquid in nice flavours.
Hi Oli,
To fill the Kayfun from the top, I always cover the airhole while filling.
When screwing on the cap, only screw it on a couple of threads and then turn the kayfun upside down. Once the liquid has settled down, you can release your thumb from the airhole and screw the top cap fully tight. It never leaks for me that way. -
@kwistenbiebel said:
Hi Oli,
To fill the Kayfun from the top, I always cover the airhole while filling.
When screwing on the cap, only screw it on a couple of threads and then turn the kayfun upside down. Once the liquid has settled down, you can release your thumb from the airhole and screw the top cap fully tight. It never leaks for me that way.Thanks Chris! I was holding it upside down but not for long enough. I was trying to do it as quick as possible.
Do you use a stainless wick with your Taifun? I was looking into buying one but I'm gonna wait to see what the Kayfun V4 looks like.
Hope everyone is getting on well with vaping!
Just switched to the Aspire nautilus tank and atomizers, what an amazing vape experience, love the adjustable airflow.
I recommend highly.