Any smokers here? Wanna quit?
Looks nice Gareth! I'm jealous of your big batteries!
@mwm5053 said:
Finally got me a rebuildable mod from TKO a chain of vape stores across US. It has a 2.2 amp atomizer and I'm trying to find a good voltage and amp setting as you can change both with this mod. Not really sure yet what does what as far as the settings go maybe someone can shed some light on the subject for me.
How are you getting on? I found the atomizer to be really good, it's the innokin iclear right? I had one as a freebie and I used it until it stopped working, just never got round to buying coils for it.
Still using up my EVOD coils; I have found these later version coils (with the extended chimney) are very hit and miss. I thought I was imagining it but other people have reported the same issues. Maybe they want them to fail quicker so you just buy more.
Think I'm gonna get another Kayfun. The filler valve on my current 3.1 ES is so annoying. My next one will be the Kayfun Lite Plus which has a filler port at the bottom that you just unscrew; I think The Russian 91 is also like this. In fact I think my Kayfun 3.1 ES has been discontinued for this very reason.
I also really like the look of the Luxe mod with Kayfun on top, but for now my Provari is more than adequate, I can't see a reason to change.
@frederik said:
I still haven't learned to like the smoke from these wapers...
I saw this animation the other day and will start practicing that instead...I think it's a case of really wanting to quit as well. If you aren't ready I think you'll always prefer a cigarette. Whereas for me, I feel sick even thinking of smoking a cigarette. I know vaping will never be the same, but I've learnt to prefer it. Not just the flavours and cool gadgets, but the flexibility to just take a couple of drags here and there....especially while waiting for computer to render etc.
Which vape setup have you been using by the way? Could it just be you don't like the flavours? Or is the vapour too smooth or too harsh?
Thats a good point Oli.
Good equipment is important, but finding good vapes in the early stages pretty well sets up the path of interest and persistence.
I bought some absolutely crap nicotine liquids which took about 4 or 5 weeks to arrive, in the meantime I was vaping some quite nice non-nic liquids. Whilst I wasn't getting the nicotine hits I needed at that stage, I did find some pleasant flavours which I was then able to order from the US with nicotine in them.
For those who don't understand what I just said, in Australia we can't buy nicotine liquids from Australian suppliers, but they do however sell liquids made in the USA which are nicotine free. This gives us the opportunity to test those flavours and either buy them direct from the US supplier, or alternatively mix an unflavoured nicotine (which we also have to buy from overseas) with the liquids in Australia which can be bought as 'doublers'.
However, because we can't easily purchase liquids, one could easily be discouraged from persisting.
Hi Gareth,
I went through the same, starting with 0 mg nic juice (aaah..Australia), and while waiting for nic juice from the States discovered some tasty flavours.
The anticipation of that together with the great testimonies in this thread made me so eager to quit smoking, that it all just happened spontaneously.It does make me wonder if I shouldn't go the 0 nic route again now and see what happens.
I believe I can do it, especially with the latest drippers out there with huge air holes (Trident etc...), zero nic might still be a very satisfying experience. -
Glad you are staying with it mate.
I still have one or two nice non-nic flavours from when I started in October and vape them occasionally. I can vape them for an hour or so, but I still want the 'nic kick' though...!
I'm still vaping 18mg and should probably try cutting down to 12mg soon.
Tried an analogue stinky a few days ago....took 3 drags of was disgusting....!!
I did it, one year and counting, technically I did it on the 3rd (it's the 3rd in Australia so it counts)
I will never smoke again.
Well done Pete
How are your energy levels, sense of taste, general well being etc after 1 year...?
@gareth said:
Well done Pete
How are your energy levels, sense of taste, general well being etc after 1 year...?
Energy level is great, no coughing in morning, office smells great, and I now have a new appreciation for cheese and wine.
I can smell a smoker a mile away and they gross me out.
Oh, I also saved over $2000 this last year.
yep....i noticed food and wine and coffee tastes so much better.
If you lived here in Australia, a packet of smokes would cost you around $20 a just a pack a day smoker here would have saved around $7,500....!!
I have a serviced office in Mawson Lakes near Adelaide and smoking in this building is prohibited.....but I sit here and vape all day.
It's bloody funny when I look out of my office window and watch all the smokers standing outside in the stinking heat in summer and the freezing cold of winter to feed their smelly habit while I sit here vaping in the comfort of my office...!!
.....and it doesn't trigger the smoke alarm either
Congrats Pete!!!!
I'm next, two days remaining!
Wow, congratulations Oli, Pete and stefan (in a day
I'll be joining the one year high mile club in @Gareth: Just so you know, vapour DOES set of smoke alarms.
I did it by accident when i moved into my new place a month ago.
Thought it was good to tell you this... on the other hand we could have gotten a good laugh out of you setting of your buildings alarm...but we're good people here lol -
I also had the honour to try an old fashioned cigarette a few months ago after not having smoked for a long time.
Yuk, yuk, yuk, that's all I can say -
@kwistenbiebel said:
ps: @Gareth: Just so you know, vapour DOES set of smoke alarms.
I did it by accident when i moved into my new place a month ago.
Thought it was good to tell you this... on the other hand we could have gotten a good laugh out of you setting of your buildings alarm...but we're good people here lolGeeeeeez......thanks for telling me that...!
I haven't had a problem yet though, and I vape all day with the smoke detector almost directly above me
well it has been reported by many people (reddit e.g).
I am guessing it depends on the type of smoke detector.
The one in my house is a 'nasty' one lol, it also beeps when I am taking a shower and forget to put on the fan...freightening
you've got me paranoid now...!!
i have googled the question of smoke detectors and vaping, and indeed there are many instances of smoke detectors being activated
it would appear that some types of detectors are more likely to be activated
@gareth said:
you've got me paranoid now...!!
i have googled the question of smoke detectors and vaping, and indeed there are many instances of smoke detectors being activated
it would appear that some types of detectors are more likely to be activated
I used to vape directly beneath one too with no problems. There are two different types of fire alarm for different types of fires, maybe one picks up vapour more than the other. Which leads me to wonder....which is the best type of fire alarm for a house? Could do with updating topic i know haha
@unknownuser said:
Ionization smoke detection is generally more responsive to flaming fires.
How they work: Ionization-type smoke alarms have a small amount of radioactive material between two electrically charged plates, which ionizes the air and causes current to flow between the plates. When smoke enters the chamber, it disrupts the flow of ions, thus reducing the flow of current and activating the alarm.Photoelectric smoke detection is generally more responsive to fires that begin with a long period of smoldering (called “smoldering fires”).
How they work: Photoelectric-type alarms aim a light source into a sensing chamber at an angle away from the sensor. Smoke enters the chamber, reflecting light onto the light sensor; triggering the alarm. -
So what's the deal with cartomisers?
I remember Biebel and others discussing them...the reason I ask is because the EVOD coils are becoming quite terrible.
I like to use the EVOD out and about but the coils only last a couple of days now, some just taste burnt straight out the box.
So do I need to get pre punched cartomisers? Are they essentially a tube with a dual-coil inside?
What's the difference between pre-punched and regular? I know one has a ready-made hole but what are the implications of buying one over the other?
Getting tired of "clearomisers"! haha
This is the one I use (2.5 ohm)....
On my ProVari they last about a week to a week and a half at a power setting of 4. But with this setup, if they get dropped they leak. But, I find I can clean the base, threads, and retighten everything and keep going. Just a hassle at times lol
thanks. i'm just looking for a good alternative to the EVOD for out and about. Kayfun still working like a charm, now I've found this very convenient filling valve:
Well I think I'm going to mix my own juice
Anyone seen this site?
I found these suppliers here in the states: