Any smokers here? Wanna quit?
No worries!
Nope, I've only ever tried ekowool because it's more inert...I didn't fancy having anything that could burn in my atty. To be honest I've never had any reason to try anything else because it's such a lovely experience.
I've seen people use thinner wire because it heats up quicker and requires a shorter draw, but again, I never attempted this because I'm happy with the 0.16mm nichrome and 2mm ekowool setup. You can extend the life of the coil by just washing everything in hot water; you don't even have to remove the coil, just keep everything connected and dry off with a hair-dryer.
Ultrasonic cleaners are very popular but I just use hot water every month or so.
Cheers vapers, I saw the Russian today, it was impressive. I could only guess how kayfun looks/feels like when you have it in your hand. Oliver, you're a lucky lad!
I went out and bought a packet of stinkies this afternoon (my last packet lasted me nearly 5 days...i smoked one in then car on my way back to the office...
...when i arrived back in my office, there was a package on my desk with my nicotine juices inside it...!! WOOHOO...!!
...I've waited just over 3 weeks for these to arrive from overseas
I am still very much enjoying this discussion guys
It still evokes so much gratitude in me as this thread (thanks Oli) got me off the cigarettes!And a new hobby arose from it
I recently got into the mech mods and rebuilding , and I just can't step down again
It's a total different vaping experience: direct lung inhales full of flavour, it is so yummy.
Instantly dropped my nic levels to 6 mg as anything higher is madness.
This is my current setup for when I am home.
The Chi-You clone mech mod with the Trident dripper (2.3 mm air hole).
I build 1.5-1.7 ohm microcoils (9 wraps of 28 gauge Kanthal wire and organic cotton wick) on it and it is bliss.
At times I put the Trident on my Vamo (variable wattage/voltage), cranking it up to a full 15 Watts, winderful flavour and never burnt.Sorry for the technical jargon, it might assist people that want to get into rebuilding.
A little vape porn photo I took
@gareth said:
I went out and bought a packet of stinkies this afternoon (my last packet lasted me nearly 5 days...i smoked one in then car on my way back to the office...
...when i arrived back in my office, there was a package on my desk with my nicotine juices inside it...!! WOOHOO...!!
...I've waited just over 3 weeks for these to arrive from overseas
Hi Gareth,
I see you are in Australia too and experiencing the 'no nicotine sale' over there.
It happened to me too.
Once I got overseas liquid (started with 18 mg and 12 mg) I could quite naturally drop the cigarettes quite easily...almost effortlessly.
So no need to beat yourself up for still smoking one or two while going through the process.Here's a list of vendors I buy from and which work well for Australia:
- Fasttech: cheap liquid but quite good for the price. Liqua is a good brand.
For a tobacco flavor, try 'traditional tobacco '. Some of their fruits and menthol are good too. Downside: expect up to a month delivery time from China, sometimes 3 weeks (I am in Perth). No shipping cost is a major plus!
-Mount Baker Vapor: USA. Step up quality for reasonable prices
-the Plume Room : USA, top notch quality , quite expensive but sooo yummy. I love their "banana mint milkshake" and "Honey Fig Tobacco"
- Alice In Vapeland: USA, top notch quality, expensive.
The last two are perfect to give yourself a Christmas present
Good luck and keep on vaping
- Fasttech: cheap liquid but quite good for the price. Liqua is a good brand.
WOW! Chi-you is sexy, in fact almost all mechanic mods are. Do you have a kick? A good mech with a kick, and there you have a stealth vape to go out.
NPR article.
"Well, I think e-cigarettes today are the triumph of wishful thinking over data."
I didn't catch this bit when I heard the preview, but I looked it up and thought it might be interesting for this discussion. I have yet to read it all. Have to get to work at moment..
What do you vape guys think?
And that's one hell of a beautiful device you've got there Chris!! Well done cutting down your nicotine levels too!
I'm glad you replied to Gareth because I couldn't help him find aussie-friendly vaping suppliers.
Your jargon is going way over my head now! I didn't even know what a micro coil was til Stefan brought it up!
@gareth said:
I went out and bought a packet of stinkies this afternoon (my last packet lasted me nearly 5 days...i smoked one in then car on my way back to the office...
...when i arrived back in my office, there was a package on my desk with my nicotine juices inside it...!! WOOHOO...!!
...I've waited just over 3 weeks for these to arrive from overseas
Sounds like you are well on your way to quitting for good. Keep it up mate! Take your time and enjoy your new-found health.
@stefanq said:
Cheers vapers, I saw the Russian today, it was impressive. I could only guess how kayfun looks/feels like when you have it in your hand. Oliver, you're a lucky lad!
It probably feels much the same mate. The Kayfun is my benchmark device now, until the next big thing of course!
I just can't fault them.
I've been mixing some new flavours recently....I got some Cinnamon Redhot flavour and just letting it steep. I think it may be an excellent winter vape!
It smells like Big Red chewing gum. Juicy Fruit is still my ADV (all-day-vape).
There will always be sceptics, doubters and hardcore opposition. I don't care for it and most of the time I don't even listen.
The underlying problem, however, is that we can buy cigarettes in the first place. Nobody brings this up.
If we never had access to tobacco then none of us would be vaping. Vaping helps us to eliminate the need for tobacco in our lives. I see it as a stepping stone to complete cessation of nicotine dependence.
I believe it's completely criminal for our governments to allow the sale of cigarettes. Imagine if you started selling a substance that gives half its users cancer?! You would go directly to jail. Why is it acceptable for cigarettes to be sold? Nicotine is perhaps the most addictive chemical in existence, they mix it with the most toxic chemicals imaginable and the government receives a nice hefty tax on them. Benzene, formaldehyde and hydrogen cyanide...what the hell is going on?
There are health warnings all over cigarette packets but the governments still allow their sale. It's completely reckless and contradictory. How can you condemn a product yet receive a massive tax on them?
Sometimes I believe tobacco is sold as a measure to keep ageing populations down. Elderly people cost the government more money; less old people=more money. Maybe I'm being a conspiracy theorist but to me it makes complete sense.
I don't see how vaping would appeal to non-smokers either. You either smoke or you don't. People who want to quit move onto E-Cigs to rid themselves of a tobacco habit.
Do you know of anyone who just decided one day to go and buy a vaping device because they fancied it? I don't think so. If you don't already have a nicotine dependence then why would you go out looking for nicotine delivering devices? It's like waking up one day and saying," You know what, I really fancy some crack today. Those crack pipes look kinda cool."
I wonder where many of these opinions come from!
@Stefan, Olishea ,
Oh yes, I love the mech mods. I have a Sentinel M16 and a Astro coming (both clones
I did purchase a kick clone from Sigelei, however not really using it.
In case I want regulation of voltage or wattage, I prefer the Vamo or SVD.Micro coils for me are really fun. They give a 'sub ohm' experience without actually going sub ohm.
I would love to get my hands on to a Kayfun Lite or Russian 91, however they are so expensive so I ordered a Kayfun 3.1 clone from Fasttech and A genesis style RSST...Christmas present
@kwistenbiebel said:
Hi Gareth,
I see you are in Australia too and experiencing the 'no nicotine sale' over there.
It happened to me too.
Once I got overseas liquid (started with 18 mg and 12 mg) I could quite naturally drop the cigarettes quite easily...almost effortlessly.
So no need to beat yourself up for still smoking one or two while going through the process.Here's a list of vendors I buy from and which work well for Australia:
- Fasttech: cheap liquid but quite good for the price. Liqua is a good brand.
For a tobacco flavor, try 'traditional tobacco '. Some of their fruits and menthol are good too. Downside: expect up to a month delivery time from China, sometimes 3 weeks (I am in Perth). No shipping cost is a major plus!
-Mount Baker Vapor: USA. Step up quality for reasonable prices
-the Plume Room : USA, top notch quality , quite expensive but sooo yummy. I love their "banana mint milkshake" and "Honey Fig Tobacco"
- Alice In Vapeland: USA, top notch quality, expensive.
The last two are perfect to give yourself a Christmas present
Good luck and keep on vaping
Yep, the 'no nicotine' in Australia is a bloody nuisance. The nicotine juices I purchased from Niceliquid in New Zealand ended up coming from Croatia and they took forever to arrive here. I've only been vaping them for a couple of days and they had an immediate impact on my desire to smoke analogues. Whilst they are not flavours I find particularly attractive, it has given me the confidence and belief that vaping nic juices is worth all the hype I have been reading.
I was actually enjoying vaping the nic free juices for the first two weeks while I was waiting for the nic juices to arrive, even though I was having to smoke a stinkie quite often.
I bought some Plume Room juices from Delicious Monster in Sydney, but there is no nicotine in them, however they are absolutely delicious. I have recently placed a direct order with the Plume Room in the US which are 18mg nicotine. I agree that they are a little expensive, but I have given myself permission to be selfish and indulgent.....and this is still cheaper than slowly killing myself with cigarettes....!!
Thanks for the tip for Fastech.....I'll give some of those a try too
- Fasttech: cheap liquid but quite good for the price. Liqua is a good brand.
@kwistenbiebel said:
@Stefan, Olishea ,
Oh yes, I love the mech mods. I have a Sentinel M16 and a Astro coming (both clones
I did purchase a kick clone from Sigelei, however not really using it.
In case I want regulation of voltage or wattage, I prefer the Vamo or SVD.Micro coils for me are really fun. They give a 'sub ohm' experience without actually going sub ohm.
I would love to get my hands on to a Kayfun Lite or Russian 91, however they are so expensive so I ordered a Kayfun 3.1 clone from Fasttech and A genesis style RSST...Christmas present
I'm betting you'll be the first to have a nuclear powered mod....with a built in 'juice factory'....!!
He he possibly
It is so easy to get caught up in the technical side of things and the according lingo.
I am vaping for less than 4 months and in the first weeks I got overwhelmed by all that is out there.
How quickly we adapt.
As to New Zealand vendors, I also had a bad experience with one of them, good to steer away from those.
Just a quick battery warning guys!!!
Before I start, I just want to say there is absolutely nothing wrong with AW batteries....this problem is a result of my neglect.
I was going on a long trip so I took a spare 18350 battery with me. I had a handful of coins in my jacket pocket and just placed the battery in there with them....BIG mistake!
I suddenly felt a burning sensation in my chest...the battery had short circuited on the coins, melting the protective cover off and burning a hole in my jacket pocket!!
So just a friendly warning to anyone carrying spare batteries.....DO NOT let them come into contact with anything that conducts! OOPS!
@gareth said:
Yep, the 'no nicotine' in Australia is a bloody nuisance. The nicotine juices I purchased from Niceliquid in New Zealand ended up coming from Croatia and they took forever to arrive here. I've only been vaping them for a couple of days and they had an immediate impact on my desire to smoke analogues. Whilst they are not flavours I find particularly attractive, it has given me the confidence and belief that vaping nic juices is worth all the hype I have been reading.
I was actually enjoying vaping the nic free juices for the first two weeks while I was waiting for the nic juices to arrive, even though I was having to smoke a stinkie quite often.
I bought some Plume Room juices from Delicious Monster in Sydney, but there is no nicotine in them, however they are absolutely delicious. I have recently placed a direct order with the Plume Room in the US which are 18mg nicotine. I agree that they are a little expensive, but I have given myself permission to be selfish and indulgent.....and this is still cheaper than slowly killing myself with cigarettes....!!
Thanks for the tip for Fastech.....I'll give some of those a try too
Yes you absolutely need nicotine in your liquids. It just completely eliminates the need to smoke a cigarette and you actually get a better "buzz". Hats off though for reducing your smoking without any nicotine in your liquids.
When you said "nic liquids" I thought you meant the nicotine base for DIY mixing, I had no idea you were vaping without nicotine!
Just be wary of the extortionate costs of "luxury" E-Liquids. They do not contain anything special nor is their price warranted. They may give you a really figurative, arty-farty flavour description but at the end of the day they ALL contain PG, VG, nicotine, de-ionised water and food flavouring. Apart from, of course, the VG only based liquids which do not take on flavour very well.
If you are having difficulty finding premixed nicotine liquids then try ordering a DIY kit but look for the NEAT54 nicotine's known for not tainting the flavour of your liquid. Note that it should not be vaped directly, it has to be diluted with PG and or VG as it's 54mg.
Also, watch out for flavourings containing is not safe to vape. If in doubt, email the supplier before you order anything.
Have you tried ordering from Cloud9Vaping here in the UK? I'm pretty sure they ship worldwide...I don't trust anyone else any more, their service is top notch.
Hiya Oli,
I had no idea how difficult it would be here in Australia to get premixed juices with nicotine.....i should rephrase that, they are easy to order but take a bloody long time to get here.
Anyone would think we were a bloody big island stuck in the middle of nowhere....!!
Let us know how you get on with the RSST Chris. I almost bought one a while back but was put off by the stainless steel mesh wick.
At the moment I'm switching between Cinnamon Redhots in my EVOD, Juicy Fruit in my Kayfun and Silky tobacco flavour in my iClear30. Loving it!
@olishea said:
Let us know how you get on with the RSST Chris. I almost bought one a while back but was put off by the stainless steel mesh wick.
At the moment I'm switching between Cinnamon Redhots in my EVOD, Juicy Fruit in my Kayfun and Silky tobacco flavour in my iClear30. Loving it!
Hi Oli
Those flavours sound good. Cinnamon in general goes well for me too.
I am kind of a 'dessert flavour' vapor myself: something with banana, cookie , cinnamon, milkshake clicks my button.
About the RSST, I just got it in two days ago.
Built a stainless steel mesh with 3 wraps of 28 gauge Kanthal, a 0.7 ohm coil so only to go on a mechanical mod.
My first impression: MehThe ss mesh doesn't seem to wick enough.
Lot's of vapor at the first hits and then it dry burns easily.
I think the mesh can't keep up with wicking the juice.I'll try a built with a microcoil and cotton (so called autodripping mode) and see where that brings me.
A genesis atomiser needs to be upright at all times so that is a bit of a minus to take it out of the house.I ordered a kayfun style but that will still take a month to get here.
Here's a photo of the ss mesh coil:
Vape Geeks.
@solo said:
Vape Geeks.
Well, I prefer Jean Luc Picard over Captain Janeway, so that should tell you something