My First Car
this is my first try to model a car and this my first steps in 3D modelling.
Here are my first renders
That's very impressive for your first run... She looks smooth as silk.
Excellent start!
very nice! is the back modelled yet?
The back is not finished modelled, i have any ideas but my technic is to bad to modell it like my imagination
Impressive. I'm not a car afficianado, so excuse my ignorance - are you modeling an actual car, or is this your own design?
thats my own design, inspired by many conceptcars i see in the past
It looks like a mix . Good start btw !
Hey ely862me,
i bought your tutorial and it helps me massiv, thanks for this great tutorial
Wow, if this is your first car model I can't wait to see what you do down the road
Organic shapes... Goooood
really promising. Front-end looks silky as Krisidious said but also aggressive, can't wait to see it complete.
The First simple try of an back-end
Progress on the sideview and windows
Progressing nicely. Can I see the hidden lines?
normal or after subdividing ?
@rotebrause said:
normal or after subdividing ?
Well, not to be greedy, but how about both? After all it was my birthday just four months ago
the mesh is not a beauty
Wow, that's a lot of subdividing. What's the poly count?
Not bad at all. Design on the side is nice too, with that directed air intake