Vet School Labs
Amazing job, i like it a lot.
I am more used to the term 'running bowls' to describe a small bowl for discarding waste from the steril surgical tool area. People surgery though so it might be different with vets everywhere. Just for interest, not correcting anyone.
Very very nice Daniel...
Much larger than the one vet surgery I was expecting! Great style especially the first two
Thanks, Guys. There were more images, but basically very large rooms filled with lots of the same equipment.
Mike, I kept referring to them as "blood buckets" until I came across a vet supply website. I'm guessing its called a "kick" bucket 'cause people push it around with their feet.
Nice work Daniel
....... trying to think what I could use a kick-bucket for
"I'm guessing its called a "kick" bucket 'cause people push it around with their feet".
Yes, afraid so. The surgical team can move these bowls without desterilising their hands. Very foot friendly. We used to have races sitting in them during slow periods and long corridors can see quite high speeds but they are not too good in the corners.......
Mike, the buckets are used for soiled sponges and swabs, you need to keep them together for the numerous counts that go on during a surgery, they have radio opaque stripes so you can x-ray a patient if you lose any. It does happen sometimes.
Thanks for the explanation Mike but I already knew about the medical use for kick buckets ..... I was trying to think of a use I could put one to (in reality)
The only use I can think of is ..... as I get older and my kidneys start to misbehave .... and I have t dash to the WC ...... is ........ well you can figure out the rest yourself
Sorry Mike, not thinking.
No need to be sorry Mike. I was kidding around.