Snow Pictures
I thought as the world has ended here in the UK (snowmageddon)
I thought I'd share the clearance of my car this evening after i had to leave it over the weekend near work. Not because of the snow but because all rear wheel drive cars getting stuck.
hmm.. well that sort of explains something..
I mean, it hasn't really snowed in nyc for two years now[add]
funny though.. there was a snow thread here a couple years back (started by Dave maybe?) and i was saying something similar as i'm saying now.. then, less than a week later we were hit by the worst blizzard in a long you couldn't even see cars on the streets.. here's my daughter digging a hole in looking inside the windshield to see if it's the right car (had to do this to 4 cars before we found the right one
A lot of people escape to Arizona to get away from the snow, but down here by the Mexican border at 4,800 feet it snowed on New Year's eve. By noon the next day the snow at this level was gone. -
Ah, as a Canadian living in the Mountains, we think snow is just to play in. Sometimes we have 5 months to do it
These were taken in the woods near my town on Saturday. Ever since the snow has gone.
my new toy, up on the pennines yesterday:
and yes dale, snow is definitely for play!
Hi folks.
If you want snow, come here in the province of Quebec.
This how I cleaned the snow after a bad storm a few years ago.
A few weeks ago we got half a meter of snow.
Now, the weather peoples calls for no snow but a minimum of -26ยฐC tonight and a balmy -20ยฐC tomorrow.
It is supposed to warm up to -15ยฐC for the week end.
No problem, the house is well heated and we have clothing for that and good snow tires for the car.
I don't complain when I think that it will reach 30ยฐC (plus 30, yes) next summer.
Best regards.
@jean lemire said:
and good snow tires for the car.
This is the very reason why people in the UK get ruffled by the smallest snowfall, hardly anyone buys winter tyres. Even rear wheel drive can cope with winter tyres on, they really are a tremendous improvement in all aspects of handling on ice/snow.
Here you can get fined if you do not have winter tyres on in winter. Not only can it cope with snow better but it is softer and can adapt to cold temperature much better while summer tyres may slide even if there is no snow.
Do you have to change your tires 2x a year then? Or do people just leave on winter tires all year long? I'm from a place w/o snow obviously!
You should change tyres when temperatures start dropping below 5 celcius, you can get away with summer tyres but when the snow comes they are dangerous and unpredictable. A rear wheel drive car is completely useless in snow/ice but with winter tyres on they are surprisingly good and will beat most front wheel drive cars with normal tyres.
In summer, you don't want winter tyres on. My old car used to wheelspin in 4th gear when temperatures were too warm for the winter tyre! Now I use the 4WD truck in winter and RWD car in normal conditions with summer tyres on.
Hell, just leave the car at home and strap on the snowshoes. About -15C that day on the trail.
you are so lucky
@unknownuser said:
@olishea said:
you are so lucky
Not a chippy for miles, Oliver.
I don't know, these guys can get a little chippy if you piss em off
That's my boot next to a grizzly track, on the same river bank in the snow photo, just before the snow fell.
Great pictures Dale.
For us snow is something you must drive to. Our dogs know how to play in it--though they see it so seldom.
Hi folks.
Here in Quebec, you have to put winter tires no later than december 15th, its the law. Four seasons tires are not recomended since they loose their grip when temperature is below -5ยฐC or so. Since this kind of temperature is common from December to March and sometimes April, it is much safer to use winter tires. BTW, the law prohibit 4 seasons tires in winter because of that lack of adherence in cold temperatures.
On my car, I have two sets of rims, one with winter tires and one with summer tires. I change the wheels myself, twice a year. Its only a one hour job, its good exercise and I save a few $$$.
Just ideas.
@jean lemire said:
...I change the wheels myself, twice a year. Its only a one hour job, its good exercise...
You also fly kites, Jean.