Is this guy serious?!
@solo said:
Just curious, where did you get the idea that the government will come for your guns? I heard Rush Limbaugh mention this but nowhere else have I heard this, and we all know he is a raving lunatic. If they do ban assault rifles you will be grandfathered in and may even get an offer to sell back your military grade weapons, but it wont be compulsory and that's if there even is any action which I doubt. So back to the question you are dodging.... why do you need an assault rifle?
I do not know where the idea came from, It is just the trust thing. I do think Obama, Hillary and a lot of the rest of them would love to have themselves a gun grab.
I am not dodging your question. I do not need an assault rifle. Yet. But I do enjoy shooting them at targets, at Ice blocks, at tannerite, at groundhogs in our fields who like to dig holes for the horses to break a leg in, at coyotes who like to kill all the baby deer, baby bunnies, turkeys, grouse and ring neck pheasants. Because I am an american and I am free and responsible have worked my ass off my entire life, because I paid for them they are mine and they are a good tool for those who are responsible enough to own one or many. And because if the president and the rest of his cronies decide to come and take an M1A1, M16, deer rifle, shotgun, pistol or pellet gun, they would also be my first choice to hopefully let them know they should leave the property. -
These sorts of discussions are best left on other forums, ones related to guns or politics rather than 3D software.
The problem with discussing it here is someone might be tempted to say things like "you are a madman and shouldn't be allowed to own a slingshot let alone a gun" and that would only upset you and you would naturally be compelled to come back with some comment like "it's liberals like you we need our guns to defend against" and then the whole thing will just escalate from there.
And when things escalate people tend to grab the most offensive weapon they have to hand and use it, I have a rather nasty salami and am prepared to wield it.
Please talk about guns, politics and religion in an appropriate place.
@ccbiggs said:
I dont think they should be banning anything or trying to take anything. They need to be making sure people who should not own any kind of weapon can not get them.
...Which in my opinion in any member of the public in a residential area - have you seen how dangerous the average person is just when trying to walk and look at a phone, never mind handling a weapon.
Also do you really think police and the military would stand a chance if the population decided to ignore their authority even without guns?.
@rodentpete said:
...Which in my opinion in any member of the public in a residential area - have you seen how dangerous the average person is just when trying to walk and look at a phone, never mind handling a weapon.Also do you really think police and the military would stand a chance if the population decided to ignore their authority even without guns?.
You are probably absolutely right about your first point. There is a lot of city folks who should not drive a car or ride a bike let alone own a gun, if they are crazy or not. But most of them do not go in schools and start killing. And I like to think most people who know nothing about guns usually just stay away from them.
I do not know about your second point, I would say it depends on how big of guns they bring and how many there are.
I hope I am not coming off like a mad man. Liberal, Dem, Repub, Teabag, means nothing to me. I vote for the one I hope will do the better job. Just trying to say that they are all a tool for those who are responsible. And I wish there was a better way to make sure the crazy people in the world could not get there hand on any kind of weapon. And that I dont think banning ammo, clips, or rifles, shotguns, pistol of any kind is the way to go about it. But I suppose it would not matter much to me and mine since our safes are pretty well stocked.
@ccbiggs said:
I wish there were better ways to keep the wrong people from getting any gun though.
They need to be making sure people who should not own any kind of weapon can not get them. I do not know how it should be done.
And it is sad stupid people do the stupid shit they do.but, under the right circumstances, you yourself might be a "wrong person to have a gun or a sad stupid person doing stupid shit"
lets say you walk in on your wife in bed with another man.. (and hey, i'm saying 'you' in general… I'm not trying to get personal here)
the chance of those two people being killed is HUGE compared to the same situation happening with no guns on premises…people snap.. we all do it.. no one is immune to it… and mixing guns into that equation is a recipe for disaster
i could be an evil SOB with no guns
you could be a nice guy with gunswho is more likely to shoot someone in their lifetime?
As I said above, I have a salami and I'm prepared to use it.
@ccbiggs said:
Sorry Solo, But my entire family and my reason for owning plenty of all of the above is for when the Govt comes to try and take our guns.
I was born and raised in the country and have grown up with and around all types of rifles, pistols, shotguns. They are in my blood and will have to be pulled from cold dead hands.but let's get real here for a minute…
you do realize the govt you're stockpiling against owns thousands of nuclear weapons (and not to mention all that other crap/capabilities/personnel they have)..
your little pea shooters would have 0 (ZERO) effect on them if it came down to it..the guns will definitely be pulled from your cold dead hands… and in a manner which carries little to no dignity.. that's straight up suicide (suicide by cop style)..
doing battle with the govt (and actually, it's beyond the govt where the battle needs to happen) is not a gun fight..
[but that's a different topic entirely] -
So the NRA finally said something on the matter, they blamed Video games, hurricanes, mental illness and probably would have cited zombies but got interrupted by a protester. Their solution is to put cops in all schools.
Okay so help me understand, they want the tax payers to pay for cops to protect children from their members?....makes sense.
They say video games encourage violence, again help me understand... Is America the only country with video games? I don't see other countries having a problem with angry males going on a shooting rampage after playing games, wait! maybe because they cannot get hold of guns as easy as we can.
Mental illness, they want everyone with a mental illness to be part of a national registery, how is that going to work? please define mental illness? ADD, ADHD, Asperger's (like the guy who killed the poor kids last week)? well this is America most kids are diagnosed with these as pharmaceutical companies have us duped into being customers for life.
What about Movie theaters, remember Aurora Colorado last month, what about every public place for that matter? where is it safe then? Do we need a cop on every corner?
Have we lost all sanity? is your right to own a military grade weapon with extended clips of armor piercing bullets more sacred than innocent lives?
@box said:
These sorts of discussions are best left on other forums, ones related to guns or politics rather than 3D software.
The problem with discussing it here is someone might be tempted to say things like "you are a madman and shouldn't be allowed to own a slingshot let alone a gun" and that would only upset you and you would naturally be compelled to come back with some comment like "it's liberals like you we need our guns to defend against" and then the whole thing will just escalate from there.
And when things escalate people tend to grab the most offensive weapon they have to hand and use it, I have a rather nasty salami and am prepared to wield it.
Please talk about guns, politics and religion in an appropriate place.
I hear what you are saying and agree to a point, however the recent mass execution of small kids has sparked a huge debate in this country and something needs to be done and not have this swept under the carpet as it always ends up.
This is the corner bar, a place for every topic, we discuss religion, politics, rants and raves, so why not this?
I hope we are all mature enough to have an adult discussion, however I'm not the right person to be the poster-boy of maturity as I have lost my toys in the past.
I will restrain myself and keep insults veiled in sarcasm and wit.
I couldn't agree more, this is indeed the corner bar and the place to discuss this, but look at the not so distant situation of the, shall we say, strong minded religious person, who posted a lot. Did it benefit the forum, did it help change government policy or did it just make members of a normal forum question whether they wanted to answer another's problem.
Not to be nasty about it but I'm pretty sure knowing too much and not enough affects how people post. -
@unknownuser said:
but look at the not so distant situation of the, shall we say, strong minded religious person, who posted a lot.
Ah, yes, it was fun. every now and again a good rant actually helps. Nothing takes away the monotony of waiting for a render to complete like a good heated debate.
Unfortunately, while I agree with you about a good debate, it's fairly rare to see a good one. More often than not it's full of platitudes and godbothering or gunfondling, none of which make for harmonious exchanges of sketchutechniques.
You may be immune, but I believe the rest of us mayans are often unable to separate the architect from his particular temple. -
@box said:
but look at the not so distant situation of the, shall we say, strong minded religious person, who posted a lot. Did it benefit the forum, did it help change government policy or did it just make members of a normal forum question whether they wanted to answer another's problem.
ugh.. yeah..
i guess it's up to the individual as to wether or not they'd like to respond to a topic but after your reminder, i think i'll opt out of going much further with this one
What's the fun in that? we cannot discuss/debate/rant about the 3G's (God, guns and government)?
It's not about changing minds as that will never happen, it's all about venting, think of it as mental therapy, I do.
Friday night, got a pack of beer, all machines are humming away rendering an animation, throw in a controversial topic....what can go wrong? (sarcasm is wasted in pixels)
So if I say I think the entire U.S. should be walled in and flooded like a swimming pool it's ok.
I'm sure some people from the fisheries department might have something to say.
@box said:
So if I say I think the entire U.S. should be walled in and flooded like a swimming pool it's ok.
I'm sure some people from the fisheries department might have something to say.
It would be your opinion and I may or may not disagree, I may think of you as a lunatic and maybe even say you are...wait I certainly will. But then I'd kinda agree by bringing up our terrible record of environmental concern which will probably lead to global climate change, rising of ocean levels causing floods and we are back to the US being flooded.
@ccbiggs said:
I added a little more to my previous post.
"You still never answered why the need for assault rifles and armor piercing rounds, or is it to stage a coup as you hint towards?"
There is no hint about it, they start going door to door trying to take guns. They will have to kill me and my entire family more than half the state of PA and a lot of people all over the rest of the country to do it.
I have worked hard my whole life for everything I have. I am responsible and will be damned if they are going to take any of my guns of any make or model.What can I say..........but I am so glad to live where I do. I wonder if the families of those children worked hard all there lives for what they have? or sadly.....had.