NPR Kingston Building Render
Thank you chedda...
Allen, I agree with Chedda, but why is the pavement so reflective?
very lovely work!
Do you do this all from sketchup output or do you use a rendered output as well? lol on the purple robed formfonts woman - I was just using her in a scene recently
Thanks guys,
Ben, the reflective floor adds color in the image just like in real watercolor paintings...
Andy, I do this to all my 3D work but I also have a rendered image and is one of the major component of this composition.
Vivide colors
Thanks Pilou...
@allanx said:
I also have a rendered image and is one of the major component of this composition.
Thanks, that's what I was guessing. It looks like there is some global illumination and reflections, but it's blended in so nicely to get a convincing overall effect. I just ask because I find it hard to achieve the right balance of using a render in NPR, so that most of the time, I just use straight sketchup layers and don't use a rendering at all. What blending mode and what percentage do you use for the render layer in your image?
I was using the same thing with just sketchup layer but cannot achieve the right look, the opacity depends on the scene and different every time. But I dont go over 50% with Multiply layer.
Mate I'd love to say this is another great work, but your work is SO GOOD you've set yourself a standard and to me this one isn't achieving that same high level. Sorry but can't let you slip!
Actually mate I came across this image on pinterest the other day and thought of you, I figured you could actually improve on this - I like the monotonal effect and how they have drawn out the architecture! Well suited to your own workflow!
Don't be sorry Richard
, not my favorite image actually I should have tried a different approach on this one....honestly I have problems with orange and brick colors/materials...
The monochrome is a good idea, haven'try that approach but I will..for renders that are not that exciting I usually make a black and white version just for fun..
I really like your NPRs .. great work ,, like alwase
.. They're much better than real paintings , because they could easily be backed up and copied
You are right pejman about digital art, thanks...