[REQ] Misc. features
Is it just I who either misses these features (or Plugins), or who never found them?
Some ideas:
A. I see that the awesome Tools on Surface has a freehand tool that draws WITHOUT INFERENCE. Why isn't this an option, say for the TOS line tool. But more generally: Do other plugins have a draw-without-inference function?
B. I'd like a command (that can get a hot key) to bring up the LAST TOOL. If a tool (icon or menu) is active it would go to the last, then toggle between the two.
C. What about a "JumpBack" camera command. I VERY often want to back the camera up a little--not to Extents, and scrolling is tiresome and slow. The distance default would need to be user-defined according to what feels right in the model context.
I hope this is a "Duh" thread. Thanks.
Recall last tool exists: http://forums.sketchucation.com/viewtopic.php?f=180&t=16751&start=0&st=0&sk=t&sd=a
That's one down! Thanks!
Unfortunately does not work with Mac.
But I now know it's possible. Perhaps this is something I need to work on.