Spaceship (Collaborative Project)
So is this idea approved then?
I wouldn't redo the design just yet, remember If we go with this I still need to do more work on it. -
Yeah but adapt it to this version. We could have the pod attached to the front and the front with the pod attached to the rest. So front could detach with the pod on and without.
Also don't do too much detailing on the mesh that has to be subdivided. It has to be done with SDS in mind to look good and it would create more work for me to redo things. The clamps will probably have to change a bit because the way they are will not fit well with the smoothed mesh of the ship.
Can't view the model until later on, what is is? Is it a shorter version of mine?
It's not a very different version, but the pod doesn't matchup exactly. I would have matched it myself but you said you wanted to do more work on it.
No worries, I'll have a closer look laters
@unknownuser said:
Yeah but adapt it to this version. We could have the pod attached to the front and the front with the pod attached to the rest. So front could detach with the pod on and without.
Im finding it hard to understand what you mean by this, can you explain in more detail, I dont want to do any work until I fully understand what you mean
You see in that version there are 2 parts of the ship divided by a line and the pod and another piece which I'm thinking how to integrated into the main body.
I was saying that we shold have the pod attached only to the front piece which then could separate from the main body pod and all.Were you thinking the pod should be longer, bigger?
Btw I love the aesthetic of these ships and I might nab the look for the external bridge.
[xxl-img:c8k7jkeo][/xxl-img:c8k7jkeo] -
Made some tweaks to the mesh and modifed some bits.
The files is the low poly one and the pic with SDS.
That's fantastic and the image of the style is exactly the style I'm looking for, I'll get working on the pod release mechanism and see what I can do to it, this ship is coming on nicely
@iichiversii said:
I'll get working on the pod release mechanism
That's what I'm worried about. I think we should have the shape of the pod finalised before doing that mechanism.
@marian said:
@iichiversii said:
I'll get working on the pod release mechanism
That's what I'm worried about. I think we should have the shape of the pod finalised before doing that mechanism.
What I should of said was finalise how the separation sequence should be, there is a few changes I want to make to improve the seperation, once that's finalised sds then construct the mechanism, don't worry Marion I won't be putting in too much detail before sds and I'll keep it as low poly as possible
@marian said:
[xxl-img:131glbv0][/xxl-img:131glbv0] much study of these images I think we should use the escape pod hatches used in this concept, I think they are well suited for this concept.
We'll see. I don't want to think about these details before we have the final shape.
that's we're I differ from your work flow, when I'm building something I need to know how it will operate if it has moving parts, the seperation sequence is a good example, once I know what components move and how they move then I move in to the next stage, I usually make the mechanisms at the very end.
I'll be working on the design in the next hr and see what I can give you back
I've done more work on the main body.
I'm not completely satisfied with it yet.
@Marion, I'm currently working on the updated version, iv come up with something which I think your really going to like, I won't have an example up tonight, I'll post tomorrow evening, but I'll explain what I'm doing with it, I took your main body and did a few alterations with the separation sequence in mind, from the first animation you see the front of the main body open as part of the sequence, in the modifications to the up to date model I'm applying a rear and side separation sequence, where the main body partially covers the pod but it is flushed with the pod so it's unnoticed until the separation sequence begins, the separation almost resembles the separation sequence on modern day rockets leaving the atmosphere, It gives a dramatic visual and more realistic seperation sequence I'm sure you will be impressed with what I have done, I won't add the mechanism for the separation until the end but it's a simple mechanism, no moving parts like hydrolics or hinges, simple rockets built into the parts which separate parts of the ship freeing the pod from the ship, bare with me on this, ill post later tomorrow
How many times did I say separation sequence
That sounds awesome
@iichiversii said:
How many times did I say separation sequence
5 times in the previous post and 1 time in another post on this page, that's a total of 6 times.
I'll try not to mention it again.
Are we adding a shuttle bay to this freak of nature?
@iichiversii said:
:lol: I'll try not to mention it again.
Are we adding a shuttle bay to this freak of nature?
I don't can separate in 3 pieces...does it need a shuttle?
If we keep the first size we talked about of 200 meters for the whole ship we might not need a shuttle.