Introducing myself - collection of finished works
Hello everyone.
My name is Erwin van Strien from the Netherlands im 32 years old. I work at a Architecture agency as an engineer.
I will use this topic to introduce myself to everyone with a collection of finished work.
Have been working on and off with sketchup for the last 6 years. as a render tool i use Thearender and post pro with Photoshop.I will start off with a project of a Pergola that was build from the plans below.
The exploded view was fun to make cus the last time i made one was 10 years back at school.Thanks for watching...
Greetings Erwin -
And an other building project made in sketchup and exported from layout.
And the last project i have been working on.
Modeled in Sketchup and rendered in Thearender.
shazam... that's some heavy modeling there.
@unknownuser said:
shazam... that's some heavy modeling there.
Haha that's totally true..
A screeny from the model info of the last project. a pain to keep it clean enough
A final shot and some test renders