Ruby .rb files in Explorer Preview Pane
Here's a little util to set plain text files (such as .rb files) to show in Windows Explorer Preview Pane.
(FYI: The preview pane can be toggled using Alt-P)
A Windows 6+ utility only, it seems.
should i drop the 'you should see how this works on osx' bomb ? or should i just keep my mouth shut?
We do not need a platform flame war.. thank you anyway.
I was a die-hard Debian/GNU Linux user since about 1996, but switched to Windows just to be able to run SketchUp in a native environment. This was the year SketchUp was bought by Google and we all discovered the Free version. I don't really miss much about Linux, though.
My view on computers has changed since then, though. Then, I saw it as a challenge when software broke. Now, I just want the damned things to work so I can get my work done.
@unknownuser said:
should i drop the 'you should see how this works on osx' bomb ? or should i just keep my mouth shut?
Well, this is one of those no-brainers that should "just work" IMO. Ideally, when I select ay plain text file, it should be shown in the preview pane, plus there should be a toggle button to enter/exit "edit" mode in the preview pane.
This is how I would spec it if that were my job.