Simple Scooter
Yogie, none of the images you embedded with the img tag shows up. The only one you attached does (and that looks nice).
You make the subdivision with artisan ?
Looks great, what is the purpose of the orange faces on the proxy's?
@gaieus said:
Yogie, none of the images you embedded with the img tag shows up. The only one you attached does (and that looks nice).
i can see it, why u not ?
image upload from facebook .
Well, I cannot see them. (I can see them when accessing the jpg's directly)
@solo said:
Looks great, what is the purpose of the orange faces on the proxy's?
that color to show movement , like a tutorial , maybe
@unknownuser said:
You make the subdivision with artisan ?
i use artisan for subdivide,
curviloft , fredoscale , and standart tool sketchup
@gaieus said:
Well, I cannot see them. (I can see them when accessing the jpg's directly)
ok, i dont know why .
For the most people, that orange color doesn't help much. Though I can understand that.
The only understandable images are the last two.
My suggestion is... put some descriptions.