V5 Beta MOI 3D on MAC / PC April 2022 !
The complete list of new stuff of the Beta V3 of 19 November 2013
By Stefan -
For some customize of the UI, shortCuts plugins, Snapshots, Lightings... by Max Smirnov
You can put any numbers of librairies and any numbers of objects!
My little test !
Variable fillets announced for more voluptuousity!
Moi Beta V3 03 24 2014
Ok owners of the V2 can have variable fillets! -
April's Fish
Maybe ScriptArray can help for some many things!because basic Transform / Array / Circular has not Size parameter inside!
ScaleArray has not the rotationJust edit the header of the page for the 3 functions Move, Size, Rotate! (like Grow By TIG
but some different
Draw original ellipse on Right View following your parameters : here movement will be on the X
Movement of the original on the X will be : 5, 10, 15,...
Size of the original will be on Y, Z : size y2 size z2, size y3 size z3, size y4 size z4,...
Rotation of the original will be: 10Β°, 20Β°, 30Β°...Advantage : you can input any formulas and parameters, any conditions... you want!
Beta v3 06 27 2014
For owners of a license
List of news -
Nice, my demo's just finished so I'm gonna buy a license. Great software and so easy to use.
Bienvenue au club!
Distord a curve (s) by Smirnov
By Samardac -
cool feature!
Fx graph 3D by Max Smirnov
Trial versions released!
Moi3D 3.0 Infinite Trial without save! PC + MACBut with this little Script "one line" you can have a "Copy screen" at any size!
By Michael Gibson creator of Moi3D
You can of course modify any thing you want following you graphic card size!script: /* Print Screen on the Clipboard */ var prev_background = moi.view.viewportBackgroundColor; moi.view.viewportBackgroundColor = 0x000000; moi.view.lineWidth = 4; moi.grid.display = false; moi.grid.showXYAxes = false; moi.ui.getActiveViewport().renderToClipboard( 2560, 2560 ); moi.view.lineWidth = 1; moi.grid.display = true; moi.grid.showXYAxes = true; moi.view.viewportBackgroundColor = prev_background;
A very old test of that!
Little teasing for an incredible plugin!
import obj yet released! By Max Smirnov
Subdive in no time! Result will be "nurbs" ! -
beta released!
Subdivision by Max Smirnov! -
Subdivide beta by Max Smirnov
Yet work only for 3,4,5 polygons!
A trick
Pentagons isn't supported in fast mode. (but will be in Accurate mode)