How to force IE 8 or 9?
I have tried a lot of combinations of doctypes and meta tags to force WebDialogs to use IE8 instead of the default embedded IE7.
I thought this would work, but no:
<!DOCTYPE html> <html style="overflow; auto"> <head> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=8" />
Also talked about here:, but nobody posted an actual solution.
Anyone done this with success?
I use it with my plugins. I mention it in The Lost Manual.
From the Lost Manual:
@unknownuser said:
Beware that the user agent string will still report MSIE 7.0 for embedded WebBrowsers - even though you use IE8 mode. This differs from when you test the same HTML in the normal web browser where it returns MSIE 8.0. To check the rendering mode: document.documentMode.
This tripped me up. Looks to be working.
Thanks ThomThom!
Yea, all kinds of stranges rules comes to play when an embedded webcontrol is used. ...and it's damn hard to find anything documented.