No sketchup at all
Attached is a NPR image.This is unique in that there is no sketchup involved.In fact there is no 3d involved.Its a collection of different images arranged in photoshop.As this is the "corner bar" and consequently anything goes,I thought I would upload to here.
I have uploaded many images over the last few years but I find myself erring towards more NPR than before.The main reason is that,from my own personal background of oil,acrylic and watercolour, the fun is to be had in post processing.
Recently a forum contributor,Tinanne,has "come back into the fold,"for want of better words.She definetly set the standard for NPR images.
In this image,I am looking,as always, for composition and light.I had originally completed this image with no trees - all horizon and reflection.As I edited it I decided to add the ripples and foreground.That's when I started to ask questions-whats behind the trees,who's watching, Curiosity for want of a better word.And that's when I thought that's what an image should be about- not what it shows,but what it suggests.Most of us work in a "when can you do it?"When do you need it?" world.But,sometimes, Its nice to be able to create something that's different.
That's all I'm sayin'.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Some mind candy for the day.