The documentation for Model.start_operation mentions a disable_ui parameter that disables screen updates to speed up your code while youre making lots of updates to the model. Unfortunately its only available in 7.0+. Does anyone know of a way to accomplish this in 6?
Josh -
Nope, it was something they discovered in their code and fixed it for version 7. There is no way at all to do it in 6.
6 is seriously old now though, any chance of upgrading?
You can write a method to determine what version of SU the user is running, and then only set that variable if the user has 7+
@joshb said:
The documentation for Model.start_operation mentions a disable_ui parameter that disables screen updates to speed up your code while youre making lots of updates to the model. Unfortunately its only available in 7.0+. Does anyone know of a way to accomplish this in 6?
JoshCan't be done I'm afraid.
Thanks for the quick replies.
I saw that the View class has an invalidate method that's available in 6, so I was hoping that there was some corresponding way to disable updates too... Now I'm curious, what's the purpose of having a way to force an update in 6 if there's no way to disable screen updates?
Do you think I could use the View.dynamic method for speeding things up when updating many elements in a large model?
In SU6 you will not find any way to disable the UI from updating that gives any performance boost that is worth the optimisation effort. If you want to cut down the time, look at the Ruby code itself - find ways to make it faster. (See if there are places where a Hash can be used instead of an Array if you are doing lots of lookups, when manipulation selection and entities - use bulk methods that modifies many instead of single elements.)