Gary Rogowski furniture
I've recently drawn a couple of models based on pieces originally created by Gary Rogowski, founder and head of the Northwest Woodworking Studio, in Portland, Oregon. Gary arguably has the best sense of humor and irony of any woodworker in the U.S., and he runs one of the leading schools in the country. He has created a number of unique pieces for articles in Fine Woodworking magazine. All are characterized by a melding of West Coast-Zen-Krenov-Green & Green styles.
Gary's pieces feature immaculate joinery and a fine-tuned sense of proportion. And for SketchUp modeling, they bring some special challenges. For the nightstand, the plan in the magazine article was missing some critical dimensions (so what else is new?). The groove in the side panels follows the cloud-lift shape, and the panels are shaped to match. For the sideboard, there were construction details that weren't clearly explained.
Both models are up in the 3D Warehouse (search for davidheim). Enjoy. And, as always, I'd appreciate having feedback of all types--good, bad, and otherwise.
Nice work David. I've done a number of Gary's pieces and even started that sideboard but got side tracked and never finished it. I've never seen that little nightstand before, though.
A couple of suggestions on the sideboard. First, I would flip (mirror) the door components for the pairs of doors. If you wanted to put in mortises for hinges or something later, it would already be set up correctly. The ginkgo leaves look nice but with them on the surface of the door panels there is z-fighting so they look kind of funny. You could either make them part of the door panel components which would require making each panel unique or you could float them off the surface a wee bit. I tried it and set them out 1/32" which got rid of the z-fighting. It wouldn't be noticeable when looking at the overall piece although you would see it in a very close view.
I can always count on your having a well-focused eye. Many thanks for the constructive suggestions.