Router Profiles
Does anyone have any router profiles that they are willing to share?
You may find this thread useful.
Those molding profiles might help you out. It seems to me I've seen some collection of router bit profiles drawn to match those from one of the manufacturers. I'll see if I can find it. The ones I've tried have all been drawn to extremely high levels of detail (read that as lots of line segments) and too fat for my use.
Thanks Dave,
I did find some photos of profiles on Rockler's website. I copied the photso and then traced them in SketchUp. Just wasn't sure I had the scales right.
If you know a dimension in the drawing such as the height of the cutter profile, you should be able to resize the drawing accurately. Unless you are drawing a profile to use as a pattern for making a cutter, I would suggest keeping the number of segments to a minimum to help keep the model's file size under control.