Nested Joints not working
Hi all. New to the board and to SP, but pretty facile with Sketchup. Trying to get beyond the "blocks spinning around each other" phase, and I've hit a wall. I think everything's convex, etc, but I'm obviously missing something. If someone could take a peek at this model and help me out, I'd sure appreciate it.
I still have some pretty fundamental questions too - is there some kind of a manual anywhere? Thanks!
Check out the attached file. I have scaled up the whole model except the physics joints by a factor of ten, made the white cylinders cylindrical rather than the default rectangular shape and made the wheel a sphere rather than convex hull. All the joints move freely now.
Just for fun I have added some rudimentary suspension and steering control to your wheel assembly. Hope you find it useful.
@sketchykev said:
Just for fun I have added some rudimentary suspension and steering control to your wheel assembly. Hope you find it useful.
Wow! Thanks so much! That explains a lot! So the parts were colliding with each other because their SP shapes were incorrect? Is there a way to actually see what shape a thing is? For instance, if I select "cone" how do I know what the orientation of the cone is?
Thanks for the controls too :^)
nwrob1, I believe this is what you want. In order to 'see' the actual shape of an object, right click it, go to Sketchyphysics, Debug, and click Readback Collision geometry. Then click play to start the simulation, and the actual shape should show. Hope this helps.
i believe the best results i got was to make a standin, a tiny box, that would be the part the physics acted on. the actual thing that moved, i set to ignore.
i think it was, with just the joint and thingy in the group, the joints from other parts couldn't attach right or something, there'd be collisions. my complex models would be just the cylinders that touched the ground, and a bunch of little boxes that don't touch each other.