Need help in terrain modelling..
Hello Gaieus,
i have tried uploading file here but it's big enough so i m sending you through another file transfer site..chk your mail box.. i have sent you the download link for it.. mean while i m trying drape method from sandbox tool, at least i will get points on the terrain and then i can move each building to the respective point though it's a lengthy process..
Well, if you move them manually, you do not need to drape first. Just grab the bottom corner of a building with the Move tool, press the UP or DOWN arrow key on your keyboard and start moving - it will be locked on the blue axis. Now just snap to a proper point on your terrain.
OK, I got it. Indeed some of your component axis origins are in outer space. See screenshot.
Right click on these stubborn components and "Change axis". now make sure to place the new axis somewhere at their base corner and drop.rb will immediately work.
Will Do it.. thnks..will let you know...
Awesome man... it worked perfectly...
Thnks a lot.. i m new to sketch up have to learn a lot of it yet..
Thnks & Regards,
Mandar Karve
Hello Gaieus..
I need to ask you few the same terrain you saw in my file can be seen in Google earth(Level difference).
sketch up also has the same provision to use Google map or terrain directly into the model using Add Location option.
i tried it but terrain you could see in Google earth is different than what you see in sketch up. Contour Levels differs drastically.
Image Taken directly from sketch up can not be useful for actual terrain. why so.. it would be gr8 if i get the solution for this issue as well.
then i can use actual site than creating the contour..Mandar...
Note that drop.rb will always drop the component onto the mesh where the component origin is (i.e. that origin is the "insertion point" which will meet the mesh).
Sometimes this is not perfect as your building may sit this way on a slope here but the other way on another slope. So eventually some manual tweaking is inevitable - unless you stamp all building footprints into your mesh and each building will sit on a perfectly flat terrain piece.
For this additional question: you do not say you obtained this terrain from GE, do you? GE terrain is more often than not just an approximation of what's there in reality (its accuracy and resolution varies a lot from location to location).
I do agree with you.
I have not taken this terrain from GE but i made it from the survey drawing.
but for initial presentation purpose it would be gr8 to show building blocks placed on the existing terrain, which we could obtain from GE.
I have gone through the forums of GE as well wherein they have mentioned that GE terrain and survey drawing may differ but not as much as we could see between GE and Sketch up terrain. thats where my actual problem lies.I hope i am able to clear my doubt / problem.
Well, indeed there are big differences - just like in the imagery resolution. Imagery is perfect and clear, high resolution at some places while so blurry in others that you cannot even make out individual buildings.
The same applies to terrain data. In some places, it is detailed and quite accurate while it is not in other places.
Well... Got you..
I think i need to sit on the same issue and get it sorted out ma own..
solved the contour problem and now model is looking good enough for 1st stage of the design...can we push or pull the curved lines if any in the i got an error while doing so..i was trying to put up the compound wall around the building blocks.. so i draped the line on the contour the region in between the lines, but i couldn't pushed it as it gives the same error as above..
Normally you cannot PP curved surfaces. There is a plugin however...
(In your case, probably vector PP along the z axis would be the one) -
Hello Gaieus..
After modelling the terrain.. i m trying my hand on buildings..I am done with the few buildings.. I have to render them in max 11 as i m not use to sketch up rendering.. i m more comfortable with max rendering..
But when i take the file into max 11.. building blocks are one single entity... Some faces of the building block comes with material and few becomes black... may be inverted tried changing the normal..but if i do so some may change to proper material but few remains as it is..and it shows black and white areas in render...
i m attaching both max as well as sketch up file with this post... Kindly help..
Mandarmax file with building block -
Hi Mandar,
It's only the max file in there and I do not have Max to open it. Indeed it sounds like reversed faces however. You need to make sure that always only the front faces are directed outside and the back faces inside a "solid" (and always give thickness to everything otherwise there will always be a reversed face somewhere).
There are a couple of plugins that can help you with:
or can't help with the models coming in as one block as I do not use Max and do not know what and how to set there.
Hi Gaieus,
I could not upload the .skp file due to some network issue.
I m sending it to your mail address. Please go through it and let me know if any error found..Thnks,
I purged your model and it went down from 18 Mb
around 100 Kb (see attached). There were ozens of unused layers and hundreds of unused components.
Anyway, there is a single material left in the model and if you switch to monochrome face style, you can see that there are many back faces showing outside (those look blue). They have to be reversed in order for Max to understand them correctly if you export as 3ds.
But this is really all I know about Max and 3ds.
Hi Gai..
Thnks for your support..
But i don't have required permissions to see the attached file... can you mail it to me directly on my mail id
"" it would be nice if you could do so.I am new to Sketch UP yet and don't have much idea abt working in layers in SU and some tricks/twists to lighten up the model while modeling, but will definitely improve myself as time goes by..
Mandar -
Hi Gai..
I have started modeling that building once again, hope this time i will get it right.
I just went through the file you have sent and what i found is no. of faces are missing in the file... i m attaching a screenshot of the file to show you the problem...
Well, that may also happen (I could not really make it out what is missing and what is not).
Is this some kind of import?
There is something seriously screwed up in this model. Fortunately, everything is built up from components so if you can fix one component, all the rest is going to be fixed.
Something must have been gone wrong with the scale here. If I dig down to the base component (some 70 in the model) and turn edges to show by axis, all seems to be okay and the faces should form. However when I right click and "Save as" (so that I can tweak), it says that the component has a non-default scale. Exporting it at its default shows that there are miniature edges (something that is 900 mm in your model is now 0.9 mm).
SU has issues with such small scales and does not fill faces. This also applies to automatic face creation when intersecting, extruding and importing.
If this is the result of an import, if I were you, I would restart (instead of suffering with it) and make sure to pay attention to the import scale in the import options dialog. This would save you a tremendous amount of work (and hair).
Well as you said it's a CAD file that i have imported to start with. but before importing it into SU i have kept CAD file units to MM and while importing in SU i have kept importing units as MM as well. so i don't think there will be any issue of units in the model, but as you have mentioned SU has some minor problems working with scales, when i try to save the file every time it shows.. "there are some minor errors in the model do you want SU to fix it before saving the file?? "
If i select yes option files turns the way its showing in the image.. it automatically removes some of the faces. but if i say no then it keep the file the way it is...& again starts giving some error while exporting or importing in to other s/w like 3ds max.May be the CAD file on which i am working has some issues and i have to fix them in CAD before working into SU..
@mandar1983 said:
May be the CAD file on which i am working has some issues and i have to fix them in CAD before working into SU..
I would suggest so, indeed. I have zero experience with CAD files so cannot advise on that but I have seen some problematic imports already so best is to clean up as much as possible.
Here are some pointers in the SU Guide: