World War III?
Yeah. .. its much better to get 24 hours of Snookie. . . .
Is that her name?
IMO, comparison of the chart, and the possibility of WWIII is spurious correlation. How would the graph look with discounted dollars (to measure real purchasing power), and per capita debt.
@solo said:
From the moment we thought it a great idea to bring the media to the battlefield we destroyed all hope of ever winning a war.
With the event of International media exposure, I am not sure about this. Doesn't exposure apply equally to the other side? Wouldn't it affect their chances of winning? Perhaps it does. The Taliban have recently become less popular among Arabs; haven't they?
One thing that really bothers me is how rhetorical "support for the troops", and patriotism are used to justify wars. Sometimes those that question the "bad" action of leadership are true patriots, and supporting the troops is not the same as a "righteous" war. Look at Germans in WWII.
On one hand you have the media activity (and the draft) that helped bring the Vietnam war to an end. It's not the media, it's the military playing to the media that I think is the problem you are bringing up (Solo). On the other hand if the press is suppressed then we have the rhetorical support of the troops that Hono is referring to, without any sense of what the troops are up to. Then you have the gov't saying what they will ("War is Peace") and keeping us in the perpetual war. Now with a professional army (and I don't wish to demean the quality and commitment of the US service, it IS a much more Professional force), the gov't can just tax us and run their war without complaints.
Did you see "Restrepo"? What did you think of that? Besides the human element of connecting with the troops' experiences, I think the most informative part for the public is that the valley that they fought and died for, was soon after given up and forgotten by the generals.
And I too think this OP proposal is undeveloped. In 1930 the US was different (not so dominant). While you may look at the state of the "Empire" to analyze the next crisis, did the US cause WWII?
All I will say is that after watching that video - I was stunned. Never realized the US was in such a pickle.
Thank you for your opinions. The graph is not the only argument here. The size of others land which is attacked by US (NATO) is the problem. The oil is real. Currency is not.
@unknownuser said:
In 1930 the US was different (not so dominant). While you may look at the state of the "Empire" to analyze the next crisis, did the US cause WWII?
You misunderstood me. I don't think the US, as "American people" is pulling the triggers here. IMO they are first victims of DEBT problem explained here:
...and the real trigger "pullers" are those who control the supply of fiat money in circulation. example: you draw something on paper and buy from Chine they work. Then you draw another, and lower the value of given.
This is why dollar is constantly falling.
Watch how much dollar has changed from 1930 - 1$ then = 12$ now!
And now China urges new reserve Currency which is a reasonable move. -
Ron Paul eXposes Assault on American Republic - SolutionRevolution RonPaul2012 -
@unknownuser said:
I think the Rapture did happen. . .didn't you catch the final episode of OPRAH???
"The Rapture" is an imminent event that can happen even today. Are we ready to meet Jesus Christ, or we will remain ('left behind'...) on Terra, for Tribulation period?!
WWIII (Battle of Armageddon) will be in maximum 7 years after the Rapture...
Digging up old bones to further advertise your philosophy?
@escapeartist said:
Digging up old bones to further advertise your philosophy?
It is not my "philosophy", Mr. EscapeArtist...
For example read this book in which are exposed some plausible scenarios for the near future:
“ARMAGEDDON, OIL AND TERROR – What the Bible says about the future of America, the Midle East, and theend of Western Civilization”
At the “Rapture” (imminent event), I will leave the Earth, I will go to Heaven, so I will not post anything on this Forum.
You, unbelievers, will recall from my words, but it will be too late ...!. Some of you will turn after that to God, but will be martyred..., and others will be forced to applaud and embrace the Antichrist, who will deceive you with the slogan "PEACE and prosperity ". His promises will not materialize, and massive disasters (“Tribulation” period) will come over all the Earth.All nations will participate in the WWIII, especially in the final “Battle of Armageddon”. This will be the last war of human society...
Jesus Christ will intervene directly in this comnflict and will crush “all the kings of the earth”, plus the Antichrist, and will establish the “Kingdom of 1,000 years” of “peace and justice”. The Lord will reign over the whole Earth!
(In the Bible you can find all details...!) -
@unknownuser said:
At the “Rapture” (imminent event)
seems to be imminent for hundreds of years already.... tardy bunch your gods.
@unknownuser said:
At the “Rapture” (imminent event), I will leave the Earth, I will go to Heaven, so I will not post anything on this Forum.
You, unbelievers, will recall from my words, but it will be too late ...!.
(In the Bible you can find all details...!)You are so sure about your place in heaven ... what sin is that? pride?
‘Starling75’ wrote: “[You are so sure about your place in heaven ... what sin is that? pride?]”
No, is not a “pride”..., its an INSURANCE!
Apostle Peter said: “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His GREAT MERCY has caused us to be born again to a LIVING HOPE through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to obtain an inheritance which is imperishable and undefiled and will not fade away, reserved in heaven for you, who are protected by the power of God through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.” (1 Peter 1:3-5) -
@unknownuser said:
At the “Rapture” (imminent event), I will leave the Earth, I will go to Heaven, so I will not post anything on this Forum.
Some unkind souls might think you left the earth quite some time ago
A damning christian view of the Rapture. Needless to say, atheists and agnostics think it's all total hogwash anyway...nor do they have any desire to worship anyone...antichrist included. This is something that the overly-religious simply don't get...a total indifference to worshipping anybody or anything....although I could be persuaded to make an exception in the case of Salma Hayek.
‘Alan F.’ wrote: “[A damning christian view of the Rapture.]”,
with link to:
where is this subtitle:
“Did you know that the rapture is a lie and that it's nowhere in the Bible?”…You are WRONG, ‘Alan F’, because in the Bible, there are direct references to “Rapture”.
See for example 1 Thessalonians 4:17, Revelation 3:10, etc. -
A bonus...
Those who will remain in the “Tribulation time”, approximately in the middle period of those seven years, pay attention to a huge trick of Antichrist!This personage, before declaring himself as a true god, and requiring full obedience from all, he arranges /simulates a fake Armageddon, but in this armed conflict will not be involved all nations of the world (only some broad coalition)...!
@unknownuser said:
At the “Rapture” (imminent event), I will leave the Earth, I will go to Heaven, so I will not post anything on this Forum.
Please god make it soon!
No, as usual, it is you who are wrong, Cornel. And writing 'wrong' in capital letters doesn't make you any more right.
Rapture is not mentioned in the Bible at all. And you clearly didn't even read the article, because if you had done you would have seen that it gives an extremely detailed analysis of the very verse you claim is evidence for your loony ideas...1 Thesalonians 4:17