Beirut Municipal Stadium Fantasy Expansion Plans
**Hello everybody, I am a bit new here so any contribution is welcomed
I have a project in mind, it is the fantasy expansion of a stadium in my home city. Here goes.. This stadium is called the Beirut Municipal stadium situated in, you guessed it, Beirut, Lebanon. The stadium itself is very obsolete with 40% of it seat-less and much of its facilities not working. The purposed project by myself here is rather than arranging plans of demolishing it, why not expand and rehabilitate it? The thing is, that area of the city is one of the several areas of Beirut that escaped modernization and rejuvenation, so my say is, when development reaches that part of town, why not include the stadium.
Here is the stadium right now, as you can see it is surrounded by residential buildings in the midst of urban chaos, the transformation process will thus take place on several levels: Rethinking the Urban Planning - Modernizing The Area - Refreshing The Area Economically.
So, hear me out now, this is the stadium modeled by yours truly (And you can find it on the 3d warehouse, as I am a Geo Modeler), I have edited it to the simplest version possible and colored it entirely in white to make it ready for editing or "expansion"
The process:
The stadium in its current form:
We start by cleaning out all the crud:
Then we add the additional tiers on the east and west side:
We add the roofing:
Then we reinforce the structure a bit and add the exits and the entrances, the shape is starting to manifest:
And the end result is:
A few simple renders using one of the styles embedded into sketchup:
[img:1oluo270] Renders (4).jpg[/img:1oluo270]
[img:1oluo270] Buildings (1).jpg[/img:1oluo270]
[img:1oluo270] Buildings (2).jpg[/img:1oluo270]
[img:1oluo270] Renders.jpg[/img:1oluo270]**
Hi Ali and welcome again (now also "publicly")!
I am not an architect nor an urban planner or anything so I won't be able to chime in professionally in those fields.
However as far as SketchUp modelling goes, I really like the clean style and apparently elegant way you are handling the program concentrating on the essence and not getting lost in the (sometimes just distracting) details.
Thank you Csaba for your positive feedback, I very much appreciate it coming from you
like that Ali,
if u are going to work on an "urban planning " project for this area, you should expand your work scale, i mean: starting form connecting the vivid nodes of the city, with our new rehabilitated area , by wider roads & other ways of connections.
then the next stage: "re-planning or (rehabilitation)" of this area (which seems crowded , old buildings, lack of utilities), the Priority should be "focusing on surrounding revival" , as we can see in the first image the stadium is screaming: "help ! i need to breath ! ", you have to suggest demolishing all these old buildings in order to create a healthy environment for your project.
you suggested a new skyline, including the new stadium and some new surrounding buildings, nice work brotherand i like your design and those cable structure you've used ,,,
Well done. Great design and execution.
Thankyou very much friends for your positive feedback! Next up is the design phase of the surrounding area keep tuned