[Plugin] bim-tools 0.13.4(june 22, 2015)
@brewsky said:
Does anyone have tips on how to best implement the (back)slashes in file-paths cross-platform?
somepath = %q[a/path\to/some\sub\directory] somepath = File.expand_path(somepath)
Sorry, I can't get this to work on Mac.... bummer.
I had to edit the objectlibrary.rb file to insert "/btobjects.rb" instead of "\btobjects.rb", and this allowed the plugin to load without an error. However, all I got was a dialogue that didn't seem to work. Did I miss anything? Check out the image below.
@fionmacool said:
I had to edit the objectlibrary.rb file to insert "/btobjects.rb" instead of "\btobjects.rb", and this allowed the plugin to load
All paths in Ruby should use forward slashes - this to ensure cross platform functionality.
@fionmacool said:
However, all I got was a dialogue that didn't seem to work. Did I miss anything? Check out the image below.
Too bad I can't test it myself, the dialog is a webdialog, only tested on internet explorer.
I can however download safari for PC to test the javascript/html, I'll look into that.During the past months I have re-written my bim-tools plugin from scratch, I think the new concept is a very solid foundation for expanding it into a great BIM-modeller in the SketchUp way of modelling.(I also simplified the dialog, hope it works on mac out of the box...)
The latest code is on google-code: http://code.google.com/p/bim-tools/
I'm currently hunting for bugs, brave people can give it a try
, preview added to the post.
At this moment there is a toolbar with 3 buttons:
- The first opens the webdialog with options for BIM elements.
- the second cobnverts selected faces into "BIM objects"
- the third, switches the display between the original "source faces," and generated "BIM" geometry.
The contents of the webdialog adapts to the selected BIM elements(will go wrong once in a while). BIM elements will transform with the source faces...
It is still very easy to screw up the model, for example:
- scaling faces
- "Splitting" of faces
- simultaneously change "name" or "description" for several elements at once.
- each edge can only have two faces
- also connecting faces on the same plane still give an error message.
The project is getting much fun!!!
@brewsky said:
Too bad I can't test it myself, the dialog is a webdialog, only tested on internet explorer.
I can however download safari for PC to test the javascript/html, I'll look into that.I had a quick look at the code - see it uses
- which is bugged under OSX after Safari 5.0.6 update.
Made inline-comment in the Google repository for file: bt_dialog.rbalso made a couple of other notes.
@thomthom said:
I had a quick look at the code - see it uses
- which is bugged under OSX after Safari 5.0.6 update.Too bad
is bugged, I rather liked this method for updating my webdialog. Do you have any suggestions on how to replace it? The only thing I can think of is a whole lot of javascript...@thomthom said:
Made inline-comment in the Google repository for file: bt_dialog.rb
also made a couple of other notes.Thanks for looking into it, unfortunately I can't seem to find your comments in the google-code project.
I don't have any experience yet with the code review functionality. Can you point me in the right direction? Any comments are most welcome!
@brewsky said:
Too bad
is bugged, I rather liked this method for updating my webdialog. Do you have any suggestions on how to replace it? The only thing I can think of is a whole lot of javascript...I got half of your script working with a little aditional ruby to write a temp file and then use
on mac.
I just realised it was with the oldest version, so if I try again with the latest it may all work...
L'll let you know.
john -
@driven said:
I got half of your script working with a little aditional ruby to write a temp file and then use
on mac.Ha! good idea! a bit of a dirty hack, but sounds like a great solution while waiting for the sketchup team to fix the direct
method!Thanks! when it works I'll gladly use it!
Cheers! Jan -
@brewsky said:
waiting for the sketchup team to fix the direct
method!Well, I wouldn't hold my breath for that, because it's not actually broken... It's a security feature of webkit.
The server [in our case SU] creates the WebDialog headless when you use
.By default WebKit blocks local file access, if there is no record of the 'user' is making or agreeing to the request.
When you use
the source is coming from a 'user/local' so WebKit allows that domain access to it's own resources.If it's only the button images then encoding base64 is dead easy on mac.
Just downloaded the latest and there are path issues... john
Here is my workaround for the
http://forums.sketchucation.com/viewtopic.php?f=180&t=39842&p=352375#p352375The discussion it came from is here: http://forums.sketchucation.com/viewtopic.php?f=180&t=39842#p351886
on the assumption your interested,
I added$: << '/Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 8/SketchUp/Plugins/bim-tools'
for now, to make sure the basic path gets through. Then changed the backslashes in two require statements and
this is what SU produces from your.set_html
.<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml;lang="en" lang="en" style="margin;0;padding;0;height;100%;position;relative"><head> <title>bt_window</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="bim-tools.css"> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8"> <style type="text/css"> html { margin; 0; padding; 0; } body { font-family; Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size; 0.7em; background-color; #f0f0f0; margin; 0; padding; 0; } h1 { font-weight; bold; font-size; 1em; margin; 0; padding; 0.5em 0px 0px 0.8em; width; auto; height; 1.5em; border-bottom; 1px solid #a0a0a0; } h2 { font-weight; bold; font-size; 1em; width; 100%; height; 1em; margin; 0; padding; 0.5em 2% 0.5em 0; } hr { margin; 0px 3px 0px 3px; padding; 0; } form { width; 100%; margin; 0; padding; 0; } input { font-family; Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size; 1em; width; 65%; height; 1.5em; float; left; margin; 0.2em 0; padding; 0; } .input { display; block; height; 1em; width; 25%; float; left; margin; 0; padding; 0; } .submit { font-size; 1em; height; 2em; width; 65%; float; left; margin; 0 0 0 25%; padding; 0; } .minmax { float; right; margin; 0px; padding; 0px; border; 0; } .section { border; 0; } .input-block { width; 100%; border; 0 solid #f0f0f0; border-width; 0em 0.5em 0em 1.6em; margin; 0 0 0.2em 0; padding; 0; } </style> <script type="text/javascript"> function menu_visibility(IDS){ var section = document.getElementById(IDS).getElementsByTagName('div'); var expand = document.getElementById(IDS).getElementsByTagName('img'); if(section[0].style.display == 'block') { section[0].style.display = 'none' expand[0].src = '/Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 8/SketchUp/Plugins/bim-tools/images/maximize.png' } else { section[0].style.display = 'block' expand[0].src = '/Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 8/SketchUp/Plugins/bim-tools/images/minimize.png' } } function submitData(key) { value = document.getElementById(key).value; query = 'skp;get_data@' + key +',' + value; window.location.href = query; } function getData(key, value) { document.getElementById(key).value = value; } </script> </head> <body style="margin;0;padding;0;height;100%;position;relative"> <div id="1" class="section"> <img src="/Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 8/SketchUp/Plugins/bim-tools/images/maximize.png" class="minmax" onclick="menu_visibility("1")"> <h1>Create</h1> <div class="input-block" style="display;none;"> <h2>Walls</h2> <form action="skp;walls_from_selection@true"> <span class="input">Height;</span> <input type="text" name="height" value="2600"><br> <span class="input">Width;</span> <input type="text" name="width" value="100"> <input class="submit" type="submit" name="submit" value="Walls from selection"> </form> </div> </div> <div id="2" class="section"> <img src="/Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 8/SketchUp/Plugins/bim-tools/images/maximize.png" class="minmax" onclick="menu_visibility("2")"> <h1>Export</h1> <div class="input-block" style="display;none;"> <h2>Export to IFC</h2> <form action="skp;ifcexporter@true"> <input class="submit" type="submit" name="submit" value="Export to IFC"> </form> </div> </div> <div id="3" class="section"> <img src="/Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 8/SketchUp/Plugins/bim-tools/images/maximize.png" class="minmax" onclick="menu_visibility("3")"> <h1>Project</h1> <div class="input-block" style="display;none;"> <h2>Project details;</h2> <span class="input">Name;</span> <input type="text" onchange="submitData("project_name")" id="project_name" value="Default Project"><br> <span class="input">Description;</span> <input type="text" onchange="submitData("project_description")" id="project_description" value="Description of Default Project"> <h2>Site details;</h2> <span class="input">Name;</span> <input type="text" onchange="submitData("site_name")" id="site_name" value="Default Site"><br> <span class="input">Description;</span> <input type="text" onchange="submitData("site_description")" id="site_description" value="Description of Default Site"> <h2>Building details;</h2> <span class="input">Name;</span> <input type="text" name="building_name" onchange="submitData("building_name")" id="building_name" value="Default Building"><br> <span class="input">Description;</span> <input type="text" onchange="submitData("building_description")" id="building_description" value="Description of Default Building"> <h2>Author information;</h2> <span class="input">Role;</span> <input type="text" name="author" onchange="submitData("author")" id="author" value="Architect"><br> <span class="input">Name;</span> <input type="text" name="organisation_name" onchange="submitData("organisation_name")" id="o_name" value="Company"><br> <span class="input">Description;</span> <input type="text" name="organisation_description" onchange="submitData("organisation_description")" id="organisation_description" value="Company description"> </div> </div> </body></html>
if I run this outside of sketchup it works, so I'll try my 'trick'...
john -
the changed code so far is just this, from line 31 in bt_dialog.rb
# PC Load paths will have a ';' after the drive letter. @is_mac = ($LOAD_PATH[0][1..1] != ";") `rm /tmp/btDialog.html` @tmpPath=('/tmp/btDialog.html') @tmpFile=(File.open(@tmpPath, 'w+')) @tmpFile.rewind @tmpFile.puts html @tmpFile.rewind self.walls() self.project_data() self.export() if @is_mac @dialog.show_modal @dialog.set_file(@tmpPath) else @dialog.set_html( html ) @dialog.show end #@tmpFile.close #File.delete(@tmpPath)
Thanks John! It's getting somewhere!
For the new version I simplified the layout(less css), so that might already improve the looks...
I'll try to implement your trick in the new version.
And if it's a security feature... would it not be best to use the same temp file on windows? It might be marginally slower but would be a more "universal" solution...For everyone interested... I have put another small video on youtube showing the progress on the new 0.10 version. http://youtu.be/J59EgH7LICs
The video is bad quality without comments or audio and the plugin is still buggy, but as you can see in the video that it's quite easy to convert existing sketchup faces to "BIM" elements, and these already move and stretch with the source faces! -
For the temp file, would it be a good idea to only check the OS using something like:
if ENV["TEMP"] != nil tempdir = ENV["TEMP"] # PC else tempdir = ENV["TMPDIR"] # MAC end
@thomthom said:
Here is my workaround for the
issueAh! I see your workaround uses something like that!
This is what I use:
<span class="syntaxdefault">module TT</span><span class="syntaxkeyword">;;</span><span class="syntaxdefault">System<br /> TEMP_PATH </span><span class="syntaxkeyword">= </span><span class="syntaxdefault">File</span><span class="syntaxkeyword">.</span><span class="syntaxdefault">expand_path</span><span class="syntaxkeyword">( </span><span class="syntaxdefault">ENV</span><span class="syntaxkeyword">[</span><span class="syntaxstring">'TMPDIR'</span><span class="syntaxkeyword">] || </span><span class="syntaxdefault">ENV</span><span class="syntaxkeyword">[</span><span class="syntaxstring">'TMP'</span><span class="syntaxkeyword">] || </span><span class="syntaxdefault">ENV</span><span class="syntaxkeyword">[</span><span class="syntaxstring">'TEMP'</span><span class="syntaxkeyword">] ).</span><span class="syntaxdefault">freeze<br />end</span>
Note the pattern that you don't need if else structure to pick between a set of variables that might be nil.
path = ENV['TMPDIR'] || ENV['TMP'] || ENV['TEMP']
@brewsky said:
For the temp file, would it be a good idea to only check the OS using something like:
tempdir = ENV["TMPDIR"] # MAC
[/code]I know a lot of PC coders think this is the best and easiest place to write temp file to, but it returns
and is only cleared on a after a FULL shutdown and StartUp.
the other is"/tmp"
, which clears after a restart [i.e. all most mac users ever do, and with a lack of crashes...]It's actually one of OSX's shortcut's to "./private/tmp" and you often see ENV["TMPDIR" || "/tmp"] used outside of SU.
@thomthom said:
Note the pattern that you don't need if else structure to pick between a set of variables that might be nil.
Yeah I figured that out from your example webdialogpatch file! There still is a lot of smooth looking rubyishness to learn
@driven said:
I know a lot of PC coders think this is the best and easiest place to write temp file to
so would you suggest something like this? (don't know how to shorten this)
if ENV["TMPDIR"] != nil tempdir = "/tmp" # MAC else tempdir = ENV["TEMP"] # PC end
btw /tmp sounds very logical, I would use that on linux too...
This is what I have now, seems to work OK on windows. Do you see any problems for mac?
def initialize(bt_lib) # Create WebDialog instance @dialog = UI;;WebDialog.new pathname = File.expand_path( File.dirname(__FILE__) ) @walls = File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/parts/wall.rb" @exporter = File.join( pathname, 'IFCexporter.rb' ) @imagepath = File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/images/" @bt_lib = bt_lib # replacement of set_html by a temporary html-file because of security restrictions in safari tmpDir = File.expand_path( ENV['TMP'] || ENV['TEMP'] || ENV['TMPDIR'] || "/tmp" ) tmpPath = tmpDir + 'btDialog.html' tmpFile=(File.open(tmpPath, 'w+')) tmpFile.rewind tmpFile.puts html tmpFile.rewind self.walls() self.project_data() self.export() @dialog.show @dialog.set_file(tmpPath) end