Next For The Chop
This grand old building will soon be demolished! It's the last remaining building in what was the towns main shopping street.
Hi Tadema,Awesome building well done, only 1 thing ive noticed,If the provided picture is correct in ratio,Then Just by looking at your renders you can spot that the floors are to short,the windows for instance seem much Taller to ratio with the overall hight of the building thus making your model appear slightly "fatter" compared to the pic.
Hello Axeonalias, your completely correct I never noticed. I have no dimensions to work from only old pics and you sometimes get so ingrossed you can't see the trees for the woods.
Hehe I only noticed because ive had this problem many time,for work ive had to model many buildings from Photos using google earth as the footprint,this problem is the worst of them as old buildings have weird heights
Still, a very nice preservation. Just tweak your dimensions a little and it will look great!
@tadema said:
Hello Axeonalias, your completely correct I never noticed. I have no dimensions to work from only old pics and you sometimes get so ingrossed you can't see the trees for the woods.
Sometimes you can get real close by taking an entry door, which in a lot of cases is a standard of 36" x 80" and using that to scale close. Same with standard window sizes. It's a little harder on windows on those older buildings, but the door standard seems to be more consistent.
It helped me a ton when modeling Carnegie Library buildings.
You may be able to make reasonable guestimates by looking at other small recognizable features on the building such as the defunct lighting fixtures dangling on the facade or the vertical dimension of the horizontal "lines" or the gutters and downspouts or even the widths of the mullions and muntins as a gauge against larger elements such as glass panes. I do this and helps me get fairly close.