Help UI window not working
ive got su8 latest and sp rc2 installed
when I try to inspect joints i get the usual info for a hinge (say). when I try to input say accel or a controller name , it accpts them but doesnt do anything - no slider in the run panel
then i go back and look again and just get blank boxes. only restarting su8 will clear the prob but it comes back if I try to change a parameter
Is this SketchyPhysics related?
If so - there is a sub-section dedicated to that:
Let me know if it is so we can move it to the correct place. -
sorry pardon, it is indeed related to sketchyphysics rc2 and I thought I had posted in that forum, pls relocate my query
i think ive solved the mystery re-installing su8 and sp3.1, the ui window now works BUT i cant make a revesrsible motor out of a hinge
I discovered that I could also instal sp2.o1b and this would allow a hinged reversible motor, why did this get left out of sp3?
Cant get the spring to do anything, and what does the corkscrew do other than reveolve in an uncontrolled way?
Lots of bugs to sort out in this plug in
@robint said:
when I try to input say accel or a controller name , it accpts them but doesnt do anything - no slider in the run panel
To get a slider, you need to use the format "slider("<slider_name>")". In your case it will be "slider("accel")".
If it is a variable that you want to put in, then you must first set the variable to some number, because sometimes the variable will be ignored if it isn't set as something. I THINK this happens because when dealing with joints, a number is required, and because a variable usually assumes "null" as it's value at first (null means nothing), the joint doesn't use it. Setting the variable is known as "initializing" the variable. Remember this because there will be some errors describing an uninitialized variable.
Hope this helps,