SketchyPhysics 3.2 Need bug reports!
Using SU 8, SP 3.2
I'm still experiencing sporadic crashes of SU when running SP3.2. Not sure what's causing it. Below could be the issue, but want to see what you think.
We have a routine that is ontick, that calls a Ruby subroutine that is defined in a custom RB file that is loaded at start up. The subroutine opens an ascii text file and reads the values. Since it's ontick that this routine is called, this file operation happens alot.
Sometimes for no reason, SU just throws up a Microsoft C++ error and crashes. Sometimes it's a few frames in, sometimes it's 100's of frames in, sometimes it doesn't crash at at. But it occurs while the model is just sitting there, ticking away.
This didn't seem to occur on SU7 with last year's sketch up. But, we weren't looking for it till now. We had some crashes, but just attributed it to normal bug splats. However, now they are too frequent to ignore.
Any thoughts or suggestions on how we might debug it or what really might be causing it? Would there be a better way to have the subroutine check the values of a ascii file without doing it ontick?
If you send me the file and the extra ruby code I can try it out in a debugger and see if I can figure it out.
@cphillips said:
If you send me the file and the extra ruby code I can try it out in a debugger and see if I can figure it out.
I created a downloadable file for you and sent the details to you via PM. Thanks again!
Create sphere 10 units diameter. Set to static, sphere, magnetic. Set magnet property to 999. Set script lineardamping=0, angulardamping=0. Create second sphere 500 units distant the same but no autofreeze, no static, magnetic, set magnetic property to 999. Set global gravity to zero.
Start sim. It will crash much sooner than later, presumably from a stack overflow or illegal value for the container variable(s). Also, there is still significant damping. How can that be eliminated? Also, the noautofreeze doesn't work. Once beyond a certain distance the mobile sphere must be nudged to start moving. That is probably a result of the non zero damping or possibly integer math with a non zero value to prevent divide by zero errors. (WAG)
I'm new to Sketchup, SketchyPhysics (1 week now) and SketchUcation .. I'm a fan of All and I'm an Autocad user from R12.
I've Installed SP3.2 from (SetupSketchyPhysics3.2-Dec2.exe).
It seems to work ? ...I have a 'blue axis' learning curve.
I have a constant note: "Requires SketchyPhysics3.2" in the upper-left-hand corner.
I cannot seem to access 'joint settings' from rt. clk on a hinge (for example).
I don't know of those are bugs ?
Thanks for the very coool 'SketchyPhysics'
Version 8 with SP3.2
Can't connect joints. Ctrl does not bring up (+) on cursor.
@cphillips said:
So far SP3.2 has been downloaded 2800 times, 500 of those are Mac. Yet there have been very few posts here about if it is working for you or not?
At least 2 Mac users had problems running at all, probably because they had os 10.5 instead of 10.6 (we are working on a fix). But can anyone confirm that it is running correctly on 10.6?
Also there are some vague reports about stability issues. But no one has posted anything specific. Is it stable? If not can you give me an idea how to reproduce the problem?
Any bugs or feedback would be most welcome.
I have Mac 10.6, SU 8.0.4810 and downloaded the SP 3.2 release - the plugins tab in SU contained only costs.
The download left a folder sketchyphysics3 in "downloads" only containing 3 files - SP.rb, SS.rb, win32api.soThe plugin folder did not contain those files, but the other sp stuff was there, so I copied them to the plugin folder and then was able to find SP in the plugins dropdown.
I tried to use SP and received a notification that I needed 3.2
Ichecked and found that although I had downloaded the dec 3.2 release, 3.1 is what I received
now what?? - Is there another dl site, is the link wrong, is the id on the code wrong?
Thanks -
Hi there
I think I have one... I noticed that size of a given object it doesnt work.... if I scale it up past a certain size it works.... (ujoints) any answers to that thanks
I'm using MM and the object size (doesnt work) is 16mm radius!! will post and exact point when it starts to work..
beyond is 27mm it works... fine under that it doesnt... very odd!!
sketchup physics crash every seccond time i don't know ?????
By any chance will you add a log system for debugging... then allow people to anonymously send data to x email address (yours) its the only way your gonna get enough bug reports... but I will add more if i come across any..
Will you ever add an export animation feature (or have i missed it)... in different formats to different renderers!!
Every time i played this,after few seconds(5-10),sketchup gives that window and crashes .
@jamma-pcb said:
Hi there
I think I have one... I noticed that size of a given object it doesnt work.... if I scale it up past a certain size it works.... (ujoints) any answers to that thanks
I'm using MM and the object size (doesnt work) is 16mm radius!! will post and exact point when it starts to work..
Hi C. Philips, I also found a problem with size.
I was building a mechanism and found that some parts didn't move but others move.
Isolating the problem I found that small objects were rock solid.To further debug I started a new design with only solid floor and a vertical bar measuring: 7.5mm x 1mm x 65mm
You do the sim you will see it doesn't move anywhere.But as far as I see it's a great work so far, but needs really some huge work to improve usability regarding the collision hull's, it's a lot of work to convert concave objects to sub-groups of convex objects. Maybe some automation could be done here.
Other thing I believe is that as less tools added to SU, as better. So the plug in should adapt seamless to SU and add only tools for joints and sim. Also copy paste, is other thing to improve - solving sketchyphisics problems - not creating other tool to copy
Other suggestion: a joint path tool : object moves along a defined polyline on space: just like follow me tool of sketchup but for movement of objects.
What about just having one joint for any work ? After all a joint defines 3 degrees of liberty of linear movement on X,Y,Z axes and three degrees of angular motion in each axe. So you could have a joint and you simply lock the degrees of liberty you didn't wanted for some joint.
Well it's better I don't say anything more you should have your hands full of work.
Thanks for this great plug in.
Check out my post about "SketchyPhysics not Working on PowerPC"
I think it is the dl.bundle -
@dm382270 said:
Version 8 with SP3.2
Can't connect joints. Ctrl does not bring up (+) on cursor.
Following the directions on the bottom bar the same problem existed until the Option [⌥] Key was used instead of Ctrl.
I ‘think’ that the version of SketchyPhysics that is in use is 3.2.
That is I downloaded from a link that implied it was SketchyPhysics 3.2.
In SketchUp under Help>About SketchyPhysics it is quoted as SketchyPhysics3.In the same vein under this forums FAQ on SketchyPhysics there is a post indicating that the latest version download will be contained in a ‘sticky’ at the top.
Of course I may be the only one unable to see this ‘sticky’, but being able to immediately locate the latest version of this most valuable PlugIn would be very much appreciated.With regard to actual ‘Bugs’ I find that e.g. Wheels set to Shape = Convexhull sink into the StaticMesh Floor if they are attached to another Object, or fall through if they are not connected to anything else.
Changing the Wheel to Shape = Sphere resolves the problem.With regard to stability my experiences are similar to other posts above, very frequent crashes improved by not attempting to use the Mac Ctrl Key when using the JointConnection Tool to attach a Joint to a Mother Object.
I always try to recall the events leading up to ‘crashes’, but for less knowledgeable folk such as me it would be useful to learn what is most useful to you in these instances.Power to your fingertips, your efforts a truly appreciated.
Very best wishes.PS. For some reason I do not have permission to Edit My Signature. Stan
i hade the same expirens in ruby console "webdialog is still dirty!!!!
look example
@sherwood111 said:
I'm new to Sketchup, SketchyPhysics (1 week now) and SketchUcation .. I'm a fan of All and I'm an Autocad user from R12.
I've Installed SP3.2 from (SetupSketchyPhysics3.2-Dec2.exe).
It seems to work ? ...I have a 'blue axis' learning curve.
I have a constant note: "Requires SketchyPhysics3.2" in the upper-left-hand corner.
I cannot seem to access 'joint settings' from rt. clk on a hinge (for example).
I don't know of those are bugs ?
Thanks for the very coool 'SketchyPhysics'
I also have downloaded sketchyphysics 3.2-Dec.exe for Mac, and keep getting the same error message (requires SketchyPhysics 3.2) Mac OS 10.6 Sketchup 8
I have just updated to MAC OS X Lion 10.7, Sketchup 7 (7.0.8656), Sketchyphysics 3.2
All my Sketchyphysics tools are empty, I can open them but nothing in and I get this error loading message when I open Sketchup:@unknownuser said:
Error Loading File ChildFrame.rb
uninitialized constant WxError Loading File downloader.rb
no such file to load -- net/httpError Loading File downloader1.rb
no such file to load -- socketError Loading File input.rb
no such file to load -- sketchyphysics3/virtualkeycodes.rbError Loading File JointTool.rb
can't convert nil into StringError Loading File midi.rb
can't convert nil into StringError Loading File Newton.rb
can't find the symbolinit'Error Loading File PrimsTool.rb can't convert nil into StringError Loading File sketchyphysics.rb no such file to load -- SketchyPhysics3/ClassExtensions.rbError Loading File SketchyPhysicsTool.rb can't convert nil into StringError Loading File SketchyReplay.rb can't convert nil into StringError Loading File Sound.rb can't find the symbol
SDL_Init'Error Loading File SP_midi.rb
NoMIDIDestinationsAny ideas?
G -
solved my problem with this modification: