Lumion - Test drive
Last one for the day, no birds were harmed this time..
Thanks for sharing your experiences, Pete. Lumion looks like it does nature well...especially water.
I remember that building!
I dunno what your problem with the vegetation is. IMO (although not hyper-photo-realistic), it is a nice representation. And the atmosphere adds quite a lot to it.
(And true that some moving elements like water, clouds, creatures, vehicles) can add even more than that.
these are fantastic solo, its good to see some quality stuff being produced on this... i could be interested in this buisness-wise... i can't currently offer much in the way of animation services but this is attractive to me because it doesnt require much in the way of hardware or manpower something im currently lacking. With some creative post work in after effects these could be more than sufficent for what most clients are looking for.
I think its great it has smooth transitions and fairly decent high poly trees... could do with a scale tool tho! I may also have to avoid the limited selection of people otherwise it'll become an obvious lumion animation... still keep em coming!
@solo said:
Lumion released an update last week, a few fixes, and more content. I have been trying to do too many things lately like test SDS2, Thea, (another product that I cannot mention thanks to tight NDA) and Lumion.
Then there was Christmas and New year (still got a bit of a hangover)Anyway today I loaded up an old model and ran it through Lumion , gotta say the result IMO is great, oh, look out for the kamakazi mistake.
wow it is great movie
but is it need to render every Scene ?
because I saw tutorial 3 in your posting every thing is animated before render is it right ? -
A little experiment: "The Forest".
RAW Lumion output:
After level adjustment in GIMP:
I want to make a video, but... I would need a video editor with custom level adjustment. Perhaps a VirtualDub filter can do it?
That looks awesome, I actually like the Raw one best, got a haze that works great.
Based on your preference, I kept this video untouched even though I found a way to alter levels and white balance in VirtualDub
[flash=853,505:2jqvu68k][/flash:2jqvu68k] -
Does this made with a demo version?
Does exist a limited free version in features but not limited in the time ? -
Hi, Pilou. I bit the bullet and bought the license. I can justify its cost as I'll be using it commercially.
There's a demo with no time limit, but it can't save.
Yes as well as render.
Hi everybody!
I am also test driving Lumion 3D which I thought was cool until........
I created a complex house with swimming pool model in SketchUp and exported it as a Collada file for Lumion
but when I tried to import it into Lumion, the model won't load and all I see is a black screen on
the import library.
Before, I can import an exported model from SU if the model is just a simple one like a box shaped house. This is when I am testing Lumion for navigation, importing models, etc....
Is there an exporting process I missed in SU?
Please help.All the best,
Andy -
Well, it is my time to take over the test drive...
This is a Roman Fort built by our member kephalos (it seems the image links are broken but here is a video on his YT channel rendered in Kerky but rather small size).
Anyway, I was giving a lecture today at a local secondary ("high") school about our latest archaeological finds in town and their 3D reconstructions and thought I'd show them something more than just boring section cuts and still renders so I put this little video together.
It is indeed a "quicky" and what I can say is that it looks like anyone can put this kind of quality together in an hour or so (including render time). Certainly the whole thing needs some more care and with about a week-end's investment, it could be stunning - but of course, not Vue level of photorealism and all.
You will notice that the walls of the fort are hovering in the air
YouTube - Lumion Test Drive - A Roman Fort 1
(render time was some 24-26 minutes at 1280 x 720)As for the materials - on some parts I used Lumion built-in materials (just to try out how they work) but I had no time to tweak my own materials. Also, I could not import the whole model as one piece (memory issues) so I had to import the individual buildings one by one and rebuild the whole scene in Lumion. As there is no way to save custom materials for the time being, I would need to tweak the materials on each single (type of) building one by one. Also, Lumion uses normal maps and I do not have them for each material in here so that did not fit in the time frame.
It is cool however that once you import a SU model (and say tweak it to your needs), it is available for future projects so at least you can create a sort of "component library" for yourself. I have not tried to arrange these components into folders yet - I hope that works too (if not, time for a feature request).
Then made another video when I got back home.
YouTube - Lumion Test Drive - A Roman Fort 2
(render time was some 16-18 minutes at 1280 x 720) -
Again, this was really just a quickie and I have not adjusted almost anything. Miguel has a nice video put together from parts made with different render engines. Now that's nice!
Good start Csaba.
I will be using Lumion for a commercial project next month, I find that it's quality is totally acceptable for my existing clients that I used Vue for in the past, the main reason for using Lumion instead of Vue is animation, what I can achieve in one day using Lumion will equate to a week of rendering with Vue. I'm hoping that Lumion gets more customisable objects however, or even an editor for creating content.
@solo said:
I believe I got a 1Gb card, at least as far as I remember.
Here is another quick play, takes longer to upload to Vimeo than start to end of entire animation project.
Solo, are the clouds changing that fast (it seems like a 3 hours timelapse movie) on purpose? Can you choose the speed the clouds change during the animation?
btw, do you think a i7 2600, with 8gb RAM and a Geforce GTX460 card can properly run Lumion?
one more question... I noticed in the videos that you change the sun position by just setting its direction and its height.
but what if I want the PROPER sun positioning relative to the model geographic location? If I want to show a client an animation of how the sun interacts with his house?? Unless the videos dont show it properly, I think the Lumion team should seriously consider (since they ARE doing the program for architects and community) to include proper geographical location sun positioning, and users change the TIME of the day (instead of sun height) and the sun moves accordingly, in the correct location.
edit: and ONE more question... what about interior lightning? All videos I saw used only light from the sun. And night videos?
To me (so far - and I have to say I have not dived in too much yet) all settings in Lumion are just eye-balling. No exact day of the time, no date or anything. You can place the sun arbitrarily (even to the north) so everything is just for the "effect".
To tell the truth, I am quite lost when it comes to where North is (supposed to be???) here.
As for my specs - they are quite "mid range" in this industry:
- Intel Core2 Duo E8400 @ 3.0 GHz
- 4 (3.4) Gb RAM
- nVidia GeForce 9600 GT (1 Gb) (Lumion uses graphic card to render!!!)
- Windows XP Home 32 bit
- Latest SketchUp
I must add that all vdeos exported above so far were exported at the lowest quality. I.e. there is a setting of three qualities and just to make it quick, I used the lowest of it.