Randomly move People components
I am wondering if there is a plugin to place people around in your model. I have about 100 people and want them scattered. is here an easier way to do it other than randor and component spray?
I have a plugin ($8.00USD) that will place a component whever you click. You can have a selection of components and it will place them randomly, or in order. SO I would imagine your workflow could be like this:
Place all desired components in the model.
Select them all
Run my Repeat Copy tool
Clcik everywhere you want to place a component.It is very quick. Here is a link and there is a video that shows what it does on that page.
It might not be exactly what you are looking for, but I think it would do the trick.
I usually use the component spray plugin to place my tree randomly it has an option for random rotation wich is very useful you can have a look here :
have a nice day