Build Rome
I looked up OpenSpace3D and that is a really nice package. However I didn't see any terrain editing systems in place for OpenSpace. Unity is a solid engine with great terrain tools but its aimed at mobile systems. You would have an easy time of getting up on the web (if you wanted it to be a browser based application) but Unity might not be able to handle the large amount of different models. Lastly I found out that ScaleFormGFX ships with UDK. If you have access to FlashPro or something like it you have your UI problem solved right then and there.
Well, I've been off for a while (Ecuador and Haiti as a matter of fact) but now I am back at it. I had posted a thanks reply to Aaronfeld, Danik and Pilou, but it seems to have gone lost in the mail.
Anyway, I am trying to fill up the area on the Velia hill in Nero's project. It seems that the small temple of the goddess Tellus was preserved, and I suppose that there were buildings joining the Termae of Titus to the rest, with something important on the highest point of the hill. The problem is there are three orientations: the Atrium/lake; the Oppio wing; and a third one, in the area of interest, given by some large substructures that create an artificial hill that joins the Velia and the Oppio (filling up what was probably the valley of the Carinae).
The chamfer in the Termae of Titus seems to indicate that on that line the orientation changed to give place to the lake orientation, with a street in betweeen (the present street of the Termae of Titus), but the substructures tell a different story ... I tried a compromise ...
And this is the Claudianum in the flavian version, with the temple of Claudius and the grand staircase that replaces the diagonal one of Nero's project (perpendicular to the lake).
hepf, I suppose that you don't know about my project (now stopped, I want to play with it a bit more), but I think this would be interesting for you:
It's a game engine, free for non commercial purposes and a bit hard to start playing with it, but you have the possibility to take a walk in Nero's Palace, if you are interested and want to learn it.
Muy divertido. Contra quien hay que tirar? Arqueologos o huaqueros?
@hepf said:
Muy divertido. Contra quien hay que tirar? Arqueologos o huaqueros?
Contra las estatuas, hay que hacerlas aƱicos para dar trabajo a los restauradores, que con la crisis estƔn todos sin empleo
Ah! Es por eso que las ruinas estĆ n tan arruinadas....
@hepf said:
Ah! Es por eso que las ruinas estĆ n tan arruinadas....
Efectivamente, las ruinas surgen de la necesidad de trabajo de los restauradores ante las crisis econĆ³micas asociadas a las caĆdas de civilizaciones
Better stop our spanish conversation. It's a pity that english speakers can't follow such incredible historical discovery about generation of ruins.
@hepf said:
Never mind, Fluffy. It's messsy anyway.
This is a try at the tower/ramp. It looks quite odd, so near to the arc of Titus, but this is the plan of the excavations, it really looks as an annex to the temple base. Any suggestion welcome.
I'll have to work at the termae at the back of the tower next ...If I am not wrong... has the house next to the ramp been identified now as the house where emperor Augusto was worn? This new says so:
Gallery here:
I have read it with Google Translate. You know, I enjoy reading news about this, but I am engineer
You know, reporters are always looking for something sensational, and my wife gave them that. But it is quite likely true, what she found is the remains of a large house of the right age, with some luxury details, mosaics and wall paintings, just behind the temple that has been identified as the Curiae Veteres, and the sources say that Augustus birthplace was near the Curiae Veteres. It all fits, and probably the small flavian temple built after Nero's death was dedicated to the memory of Augustus, and was also possibly used as an archive for his personal documents, something like the US presidential museums of nowadays. All this was known for a while, but newspapers must gloss it over to attract attention.
Controlled sensationalism if there is true in the new, is good, sometimes. "Another roman house" is very different from "the place where Augustus was born" from a touristic point of view. Personally and thanks to that new, I have been reading and learning about the temple of Apollo, and I now understand better your hypothesis of the ramp for the processions. By the way, whenever I read about processions I always remember the spanish catholic ones...
Thanks you a lot. I always enjoy what you bring us here, 3D photos or words.
Island of Bequia, Caribbean, several years ago
At any rate, the house that's supposed to be Augustu's birthplace looks like this in my model. At the back of the Curiae Veteres, and with shops along the front on the Sacra Via.
Thanks a lot for bringing us your reconstruction. The least I can do is to work a bit more in the conversion of the roman theatre of Orange to the game engine, I hope I can release it soon and you can see the finished (abandoned) product.. In fact I want to finish it to forget it and continue working on my roman theatre. I have a problem with those corinthian capitals...
By the way, I envy your holidays
Ecuador was a holiday, but nobody goes to Haiti for a holiday, that was work ...
I tried an animation, rather poor and no sound for the time being, the mike in my computer doesn't seem to work. I loaded it on Youtube:
comments and advice welcome ... -
@hepf said:
Ecuador was a holiday, but nobody goes to Haiti for a holiday, that was work ...
I tried an animation, rather poor and no sound for the time being, the mike in my computer doesn't seem to work. I loaded it on Youtube:
comments and advice welcome ...Well... you wrote Caribe and I thought... I know about the dramatic situation of that country, it got worse after the earthquake
Respect the video it's very didactic. I hope you don't mind if I link to it in another forums where I am convinced they will like to see it (I sent you once a link to one of them).
And seriously, although I am not very young, I am from the first generation of players of computer games and that's the reason why I tried to explore that world (the video I linked before). I have always thought about the potential of a 3D game in a recreation of the ancient rome, from visiting their streets for pleasure, learning about their monuments, or even earning money with a game and a plot. I suppose that's what the University of Virginia is doing with "Rome Reborn", but I honestly prefer your work because you do it "por amor al arte", I mean, you do it because you enjoy, like me (when I like and have time); and experimenting and thinking about the most viable hypothesis.
Marco: I am still impressed and enjoy the progress of this project. I really think it would benefit from texturing but I realise it would be as much (if not a bigger) job to do properly.
Pichuneke: this game like walkthrough is also exactly what I am planning to achieve (in the long run) with out World Heritage site. Both the visitor centre (as it is today - with the ruins in there) and the reconstructed stuff.
[quote="pichuneke"] ... continue working on my roman theatre. I have a problem with those corinthian capitals...[quote]
I don't know if it can help, but I made up a very simplified one for the Pantheon, and I think it looks good ...
The model of the pantheon needs an explanation, it is not as it is, but as it was planned. The king size columns didn't arrive in time, so they had to settle for lower ones, that's why the actual entrance looks a bit squat. This is what it was meant to be.
@gaieus said:
Pichuneke: this game like walkthrough is also exactly what I am planning to achieve (in the long run) with out World Heritage site. Both the visitor centre (as it is today - with the ruins in there) and the reconstructed stuff.
P.M. If I can help you let me know, send me a private message.
@hepf said:
@pichuneke said:
... continue working on my roman theatre. I have a problem with those corinthian capitals...
@unknownuser said:I don't know if it can help, but I made up a very simplified one for the Pantheon, and I think it looks good ...
The model of the pantheon needs an explanation, it is not as it is, but as it was planned. The king size columns didn't arrive in time, so they had to settle for lower ones, that's why the actual entrance looks a bit squat. This is what it was meant to be.Thanks hepf, I have downloaded it, I may adapt your capitals for the theatre. The game engine needs optimized models, and my original capitals are very complex. Although I believe you don't know about it, if you put a normal or bump map texture over a simplified model, you can simulate a very complex 3D model with a low amount of polygons (in Kerkythea, a game engine...). That's what I am trying to do, but it's slow...
You have an example here: You haven't started yet to texture your models, it's time consuming but gives you the realistic touch, more detail. As you are studying the urbanism of the ancient Rome, you don't need to reach that level.