ComponentDefinition.instances strange behavior. Bug?
I have two ComponentDefinitions (d1 and d2) in model. Each of them has one instance. Strange thing begins, when I make a new Component of the both instances and then explode it. Then d1 and d2 instances returns me array of length 2.
d1.instances -> #[#Sketchup::ComponentInstance:0x6ba89c4]
d2.instances -> #[#Sketchup::ComponentInstance:0x9bc96e4]Using mouse I select both instances, make Component of them and explode it.
d1.instances -> [#Sketchup::ComponentInstance:0x6ba89c4, #Sketchup::ComponentInstance:0x9bc2164]
d2.instances -> [#Sketchup::ComponentInstance:0x9bc96e4, #Sketchup::ComponentInstance:0x9bc1fd4]but there is no any new instances in model, outliner does not show them too. Is it a bug or I misunderstand something? Maybe there is some purge function for d.instances or something?
Because after exploding you have instances in your model and in the definition of the instance you just exploded. Remember that definitions doesn't disappear when they are unused - you need to purge them.