Ruby widechar filenames not supported
Just got bitten by this in LightUp, so be warned..
On a Mac, filepaths using widechar to accommodate Chinese/Japanese etc work fine. Unfortunately, Ruby 1.8.x on Windows (ie SketchUp Ruby) uses ANSI file handling, so you get filenames like "?????" from Dir.entries that include Chinese etc filenames/folders. Ditto functionality.
I've had to write a bunch of widechar file handling extensions this morning to fix LightUp file handling on multi-lingual filesystems. (Be in LightUp v1.9c)
I ran into that as well. My write-up from back then: (Probably outdated and not 100% correct.)
I had thought of doing a CExtension available, with some basic file, read,write,exist? methods - but I'm not that familiar with C yet.