New work i progress Concept Bike
wowowowow!!! this is looking real nice!!! love the details!!
one small crit.. instead of screenshots of the whole SU window.. why not just export it as an image?? -
hey, thanks for feedback, and was just for speed to click Print screen but sure shall export for you.
adding the main parts, and working on front springs and seat.
wow! excellent!!! top notch stuff...
is this ur own design? or are u basing it off anything else??? really nice!!!!
do keep us posted with the updates! -
this is my own design, just taking inspiration from a side profiles of other motorbikes as have never modelled one before, and giving it a bit of a concept push,
i do need help though on the fuel tank , i need to plug the end of this model (attached) but unsure as how to?
also needs work just getting the main model done so i can work on fun details
ready for graphics i think now
Looking good ...just gets better and better.....
working on the tread to the tyre now, this is taking some time
nice model, you should be working for OCC
Kevin, great model....any luck with placement?
i have a graphics design job for a few days at a place starting tomorrow so its all experience
been applying to a lot of places, if there are jobs in sketchup for visuals or modeling I would love to do that too, oh and i planned and met a guy last week to do work for him on graphics for his website company also, so waiting on a few threads
good to hear....are you checking London? You should explore that as well.
ye that is the plan when i have some money to travel and then stay.
you got any contacts for sketch up freelance jobs for possible visuals? thought i would cheeky and ask
Not at this very moment but will see what could be done.
Nice. Well done.
wow! that model is excelent
more, more, more! -
Kev: I must have spoke to nearly 100 companies before I got a job. It's a really bad time to look, but there are definitely jobs out there.
I was sending CVs to company after company and most weren't even replying. So I just started ringing them up and asking up-front whether they had any job vacancies. I telephoned nearly every architecture practice in Manchester, I discovered most of them weren't even considering taking on Part 1 Architects any more (year out placements). No point even sending your CV if they aren't gonna look at it, waste of time. And within a couple of days I got an interview, been working at the same place for nearly 2 years now.
dont look for "sketchup jobs".....go for CAD/3D visualiser or 3D artist.
yea i want a job that use auto-desk software so i can better myself with new skills. I have just finished a 2 week stint with a Graphics company using 3D modelling to enhance graphics, has been really good experience
i dont get down hearted and ye i must of sent of to so many, but i keep going i will g et something eventually
love this line of work i want to branch into.
Heres an updated image too , a lot more detail to add but its getting there
10 hours render time, Quality xml
updated image
I would look at making your own website or online portfolio ~I have found that to be invaluable in the freelance work I have got in the past.
Nice renders by the way, I think a render with a wire overlay would look good for this type of technical model?
yeah its all about the networking isnt it lol hard work! You have good work tho I recognize some of it from your CG gallery it has been posted around here before like the spider robot and wheel robot thing, good stuff. What do you use as your main render engine for your other work?