Urgent: Large SketchUp Model slowing down Google Earth
Hi All. I'm having a problem with an urban development file that when I upload to GE, I can't run the animation smoothly (it moves jerkily) because the file is too big at 25MB. I am running a 3GB RAM iMac.
Either I need to reduce file size of the SU model or I need to somehow get GE to manage this big file. I asked Mike Lucey about it and he was just plain useless
Only kidding Mike.
Deadline: About 5 hours. Any suggestions appreciated.
The file is here: http://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0B1m19BTSsz-TYmMxMmE0ZjctMWEwYi00YzJkLWJmNmMtYjNmOGJjNDcxZGU1&hl=en
Hi Paul,
It definitely needs a bit of time to fully load but from then on, it is not that bad at all. However two things to note;
- the whole thing is completely misplaced (by about 1,800 metres to the west, right on top of the river)
- there's no real "tour" in it; the scenes do not really show anything interesting (just staying in the same camera position almost)
Paul, you might have a look at Sorenson Squeeze. Here is a review, http://sorenson-squeeze-mac.en.softonic.com/mac
Its pricey at $799 but maybe the Trial version might be useful. http://www.sorensonmedia.com/video-encoding/