Sketchup with Schoolkids
Ah, a local expert! I have started a model but if you're local and have all the resources, that is even better!
I have had a few discussions with Liz Shepherd from the Carnegie Heritage Centre (who saved the building) who has been very helpful and sent me some resources. She will be delighted to know when you have the GE model uploaded and would also be interested in seeing some views of your model already completed, I'm sure. Contact details here: or you can just upload when finished and let us know.
Great stuff, that leaves me compiling the list of 660+ UK Carnegies!
Don't hold your breath about getting the model onto GE in this area. There are only currently 2 3d models on GE in the whole of East Yorkshire (one of them is one of mine, the other is KC stadium). For some reason Google are very very slow to upload anything around here, I did several models about 2 years ago, all met the criteria, only 1 (the least interesting) showed up on GE and that was only about 3 months ago. Perhaps Google think there is nothing here.
Hi again,
Well that seems very strange, I can think of no reason why Google would not upload models if they were good enough, surely they can't have any geographical bias? It just doesn't make sense to me.
I've had mine which are just down the road in York uploaded after a week or so. Currently doing a model of Beverley Minster too so hope that one gets approved!
Do you want to have a pop at the Hull Carnegie GE model or leave me with it? Totally, up to you.. I did intend to do a full interior and exterior model of it so am happy either way.
As soon as I get the list of UK Carnegie's transcribed there will be plenty to choose from if you fancy having a go at one of the Carnegie libraries.
Glad to see you guys connected up. There is a collection area already setup for UK Carnegie's here.
So if you would like, we can upload what Linea has done, or wait until you two collaborate on something.
Which reminds me. Lee, I still need for you to upload the drawings you have of the Hull Carnegie to the 3D Carnegie directory on Google Docs, so I can get a blog page setup. Include any graphics you feel you would want to be part of that page. If I can get this done, it will give you a page to link your GE model to.
Linea? Do you think any of the school kids would be interested in being a part of a project like this?
You guys need to check out the groundbreaking work undertaken by Guzman Tierno (Guzman's here on the forum- just do a search). What's really fascinated me by Guzman, is how he's using SketchUp to teach maths to young kids.
I'm also going to be working with kids with learning difficulties- using SU to visualise a world that they want to live in. I'm also looking into the idea of getting a RepRap 3D Printer kit, and building it with the kids. Then using SU to create models, that can be printed.
Although this video is in Hungarian (about our general, annual "re-enactment days"), at about 21 minutes 50 seconds you will see some really small kids modelling with SU. They saw the program the first time then. The guy "instructing" them is also a member here; "Kephalos"
i would like to do this (teach SU) for kids at my sons (grade 3) school. does anyone have an idea how to approach this?
leedeetee, I'm happy to do Carnegie Hull, will start it today. Xrok, Teaching is a small part of my job but I currently teach SU to Design and Technology teachers at quarterly workshops (not just SU there is other stuff on the course too). This was a one-off teaching kids but I'd be happy to do it again. I was a teacher for about 2 years but doing it full time made me feel like a fraud, I felt there was a lot more I had to learn about working in design first.
I'd be happy to help you develop something you could deliver. -
@leedeetee said:
Well that seems very strange, I can think of no reason why Google would not upload models if they were good enough, surely they can't have any geographical bias?
It's the accent, I reckon.
@unknownuser said:
It just doesn't make sense to me.
I've had mine which are just down the road in York uploaded after a week or so. Currently doing a model of Beverley Minster too so hope that one gets approved!
I think the only reason there aren't many Hull models is because people just aren't submitting models for that area.
linea mentions that that he had a few models on the 3DW but they weren't accepted, but he only has one on the 3DW now. I think they may have had some ridiculous acceptance issues that have since been revised so the models would have be re-reviewed, but he's taken them down.
There is actually 3 Hull area GE models. The KC, linea's model and a model of the Humber Bridge.
There's also this one which would be accepted on to the 3D Buildings layer the only problem is that it isn't correctly aligned with the satellite imagery.
@linea said:
leedeetee, I'm happy to do Carnegie Hull, will start it today.
Thats great linea, look forward to seeing it.
In the video at 17 mins there is a girl playing hurling (an irish sport which I used to play in my youth) and did the guy mention Druids?
I felt like he was a new age Irish man!Interesting video - pity I couldnt understand a word of it!
That's a Celtic re-enactment group (and all those "painted" or so to say "picted" - i.e. "Picts"). Note that it's only after the Romanization (and later the Germanic expansion) that "pushed" the Celts to the edges of the continent and at that time, my area was also populated by Celtic tribes.
So there were also Druids here.
(Although I don't exactly know what they used to play here).Celts moved in to this area some time in the 6-5th century BC and became "Romanized" only by some time of the 2nd-3rd century AD. That's almost a millennium of Celtic culture here.
Is there evidence of a hurling type game being played in your region at that time? It is a prehistoric game with legends from that era. The first recorded reference to hurling dates to the Battle of Moytura, near Cong in County Mayo (in the West of Ireland) in 1272 BC between the native Fir Bolg and the invading Tuatha De Danann. Rather than battle they decided on a game of hurling (probably had the same death toll!!)
Would be very interesting if there was a connection across Europe. -
I have just re-watched that part and he actually mentioned that they here demonstrated an Irish game so not anything based on historic evidence from the era.
The Roman name of the place - Lugio - is also of Celtic origin however and probably refers back to a Celtic god (therefore it was changed in the Christian times but before the Romans left)
@linea said:
I'd be happy to help you develop something you could deliver.
that would be great but first off i was wondering how to approach the whole thing. should i just go talk the the head of the school?? you said your experience was one off. how did it happen? you approached them or they approach you?
@xrok1 said:
...should i just go talk the the head of the school???
That's exactly what I did here. As he is a PE teacher originally, he had no clue what I was talking about so sent me to the computering teachers and we set up everything and at the beginning of the school year started to work with a couple of children (this is not what the video is about).
Well, if you don't try, you will definitely not do it.
sorry for the OT.
i'll give that a try and maybe we can start a new thread for people teaching school kids SU.
Well, we took the topic OT already with Dermot, too, so sorry Jon from me, too.
I do not teach this semester however but planning to go back next.
Yes Jon - sorry for going OT - couldnt believe the hurling on the video - Good luck with teaching the kids Xrok1.
And you guys will never guess what I'm doing then