Plugin for 5D animations in Sketchup
Hey all
For the last couple of months I have been developing a program, that let's you run 4D or 5D animations of building process using Google Sketchup and OnTime project scheduling tool (found on:
This tool connect the 3D elements in Google Sketchup to tasks in a project schedule. When all elements are connected the animation can be started, which will animate building process according to the data inputted in the schedule.
You can download the rbs script that you have to place in your plugins folder on the web address below: (ruby plugin file) (model of a bridge that is ready for animation)
Just to be transparent: Zip file contains ontime5d.rbs and bridge.skpIf you cannot download the file from the links above, try visiting:
Pre-release of Google Sketchup plugin for 5D animation
This will be a very short post, I am pre-releasing Google Sketchup plugin for 5D animation...called onTime5D. Below is the link to the rbs script that has to be, copied to the plugin folder of your Sketchup installation. (right click and Save Target As) (Ruby plugin file) (bridge model file - ready for…
Engineering The World (
and try downloading from links provided. There are some vague instructions listed on the blog post, more instructions to be made in days to come.
Any feedback will be highly valuable for me. Thanx
Ladislav Klinc -
dear mate, it sounds good, but I was not able to download it, would you plz repair the links?
please try this one:
Please let me know if you were able to get it and unzipp it...
This are the instruction found
..."For a quick look at what this plugin can do, download the Bridge model, that is listed above. All you have to do next (after you have copied the plugin to your plugin Sketchup folder) is open Sketchup, open Bridge file. Go to Plugins toolbar and select OnTime5D. This will open up a webdialog, where you can login with provided credentials and select Alfred Zampa Memorial Bridge project. Then you can skip the 1 step (where you have to bind the Sketchup model and schedule), click Next Step and you can leave animation running default 30 seconds and once again click Next Step.On the last step you are greeted with a Play/Pause button and below with a chart of expenses (shown only if there is any money data inputted into the schedule). And still further below is the list of all the tasks that are currently under way in the animation. "
..when i click "Play", appear "error did not get layers"....??????
Please let me know which Operating System you are using and which version of Sketchup you have so I can test it. This error occurres when there is a problem in communication between Sketchup and webDialog (in this case UI of OnTime app).
Could you please let me know which Operating System you are using and which version of Sketchup. I would like to test your configuration and see what went wrong.
The fact that you get that error means, that there was problem in comunication between Sketchup and webDialog (application UI).
Ladislav -
I am using Windows Xp Professional 32 bit and Sketchup version 7.0.8657
Fixed issue, now everything should be working, there was a bug in my app that was only happening on Flash Player on Windows. Now it is fixed and animation should work. Please do try it and let me know:
Program is now tested on:
(1) Mac OS X 10.5.8, with Sketchup 7.1
(2) Windows XP Pro, with Sketchup 7.1If anyone has either Windows 7 or Windows Vista, please do let me know if program worked.
Plugin also tested on Windows 7 and it is working.
So OS's tested are:
(1) Mac OS X 10.5.8
(2) Windows XP Pro
(3) Windows 7I uploaded a quick tutorial, that shows how to operate this plugin: