HELP setting up a SU code editor
@dan rathbun said:
:lol: not processors, John.. processes
It was late by the time I shot that off :oops:
More of a Freudian, typo-slip really... then complete ignoranceshould read as... definitely separate, And as SU only uses one processor core, I really want a separate process to be on the other... but, I'm not even sure this terminology is any clearer?
So, I suppose what I'm trying to describe is a Separate App [bit like DashCode] that references/runs SU [on demand] when requested and also, has it's own separate openGL preview window for any other bits and bobs.... does this make sense?
you know that SketchUp Bridge allows running ruby code from another process in the SU process.
for openGL preview you can have a window inside SU for previews (tested by myself) but depends on what you want to preview in the first place.
hi TBD,
can Sketchup Bridge work on a mac?
driven: not yet. I am working on it.
@unknownuser said:
I didn't think that YOU (the author of one of the most comprehensive "hey guy's SU codings NOT hard" books proscribed to the FOFO school of teaching and learning
I hadn't grasped that your, "hey guys, no need to look under the hood" API was devised to slow peoples own programing knowledge.
I must say I'm rather disappointed in your attitude.
Yes i must say i am rather disappointed in your low brow attempts to slander Martin. If you don't like the way Martin chooses to teach Ruby scripting, guess what, DONT READ IT!
You only make yourself look like a vindictive little brat when you make comments like these and i am very upset no one else has called you out on it (mods i'm talking to you!)
I think Martin takes a wise approach to teaching by allowing the student to take the course that suits them well, not by cramming certain practices down their throats and saying deal with it.
This whole thread is in my option a waste of time. You need to listen more to Dan Rathburn because he is on the right track.
@unknownuser said:
"Google give us the power and we will build the infrastructure".
@jessejames said:
Yes i must say i am rather disappointed in your low brow attempts to slander Martin. If you don't like the way Martin chooses to teach Ruby scripting, guess what, DONT READ IT!
You only make yourself look like a vindictive little brat when you make comments like these and i am very upset no one else has called you out on it (mods i'm talking to you!)
I see nothing wrong in this thread. Good discussion that is all.
@jessejames said:
This whole thread is in my option a waste of time. You need to listen more to Dan Rathburn because he is on the right track.
One could say - if you don't like the thread - don't read it.
@thomthom said:
One could say - if you don't like the thread - don't read it.
I'm desperately trying to do just that, but somehow I am compelled to keep reading in hopes that I might begin to comprehend what the thread is talking about.
So when we're talking Mac compatibilty in this thread, are you mostly thinking about the apps that write the program, or are you also referring to scripts that have been written on one platform not working on the other platform? So far I have not ever run into that (that I know of). Is it common?
@chris fullmer said:
So when we're talking Mac compatibilty in this thread, are you mostly thinking about the apps that write the program, or are you also referring to scripts that have been written on one platform not working on the other platform? So far I have not ever run into that (that I know of). Is it common?
Chris, your input is very helpful, please bare with the meanderings. they do tie together.
This thread is primarily an inquiry into 'cross platform' editor compatibility
my input is Mac'centric' because I own Mac's and whilst there are mentions of problems here and there I couldn't find an appropriate thread dealing with potential solutions.
there is even less information for anyone trying to find a solution for those using Linux or variants
The answer may be that there is no single solution, unless Google suddenly packages up SU Plugin development kit
@chris fullmer said:
So far I have not ever run into that (that I know of). Is it common?
it's possible you haven't, most 'ruby' scripts are fine, unless complex. it's when you start move away from just 'ruby' that it all goes pear shaped
You would notice more if on a Mac, there's a lot of PC only scripts.
Martin, I hope you saw my apology, and perceive it as such. I put your absence down to workload and it hadn't occurred that I may have 'driven' you away... thanks for pointing it out jessejames...
@driven said:
Martin, I hope you saw my apology, and perceive it as such. I put your absence down to workload and it hadn't occurred that I may have 'driven' you away... thanks for pointing it out jessejames
Thanks John for apologizing and i now hold a great respect for you. Anyone can make mistakes, but only the truly honorable have the capacity to admit them. Thank you!
@chris fullmer said:
... Is it common?
I am not really qualified to participate in this debate but my experience may be helpful in the light of Chris's comment.
I have published two plugins - cgScenes and nset SketchupAPI and I am working on an expansion of these to provide deeper hierarchies and greater control of scenes and components, unlimited links to data from local and remote sources and analytical animation.
These use web dialogs, which seem to me to be an important link to get Sketchup models to the general population to serve as transporters of reusable data. cgScenes works on a Mac only because of extensive work by John [driven]. The problem with the other two seems (I think) to come from conversion of data stored in JSONotation.
So whether or not you acknowledge my approach, problems with two important parts of current technology - the web and efficient data transfer - should be recognised in relation to Sketchup, Macs and PCs.
Incompatibility may indeed be not common. If so perhaps the reason is fear of the unknown, supported by many threads here recounting the horrors. I think John has a great and noble idea how to overcome or at least find the causes of these problems and I sincerely hope you will all work together to find the means.
Please don't shout or shoot at me; I am only an aging reluctant (and amateur) coder.
hi all still interested,
I've continued pursuing a SU external editor, and currently am trying to set up which although not free has great potential for the sorts of things being done on SU rubies. don't let the Rails credentials put you of this an almost infinitely tunable rudy ide, and settings can be shared, so once one person has the right SU build, others could try it out, tweek it more, write plugs, sounds a bit like SU.... Very powerful in the right hands but tunable for beginners. Have a look.
In the mean time I did a little experiment with Alex's Ruby Code Editor and I thought some might be interested,
it is a live editor, not photoshop, it's in beta, I've only just installed it so can't report on it's full potental
That IS interesting John.
But it's only for coding and testing WebDialogs (not Ruby.)
By running in Alex's Code Editor, only Alex's Code Editor is being debugged.
But it may have promise.
@ThomThom: You may find this interesting, Firebug extension for jQuery development:
@dan rathbun said:
@ThomThom: You may find this interesting, Firebug extension for jQuery development:
Nice find!
Hope it will eventually also work with Firebug Lite. -
@dan rathbun said:
That IS interesting John.
By running in Alex's Code Editor, only Alex's Code Editor is being debugged.Hi Dan,
I've been using it to help debug Chris Glasier's nSet for Mac use, but in the process I tried it on 3 or 4 WebDiolog
based rubies and it seems a very useful debug tool, for that type of interactive ruby that is popular... and usually PC only. it does report .rb errors (in relation to itself)I was actually trying to put syntax highlighting into RCE using a similar approach, and though I'd try this as a practice run. I should point it to my url.local and run more features, but I haven't stopped using it long enough yet...
has any one tried Ruby-Mine yet??
@driven said:
has any one tried Ruby-Mine yet??
Afraid not. The last week I was deep into getting to grips with C programming.
So much to try out - so little time. -
@Chris: Do you have nsetWebDialog.set_full_security= true or false ??
(It defaults to false if you don't explicitly set it.) -
@Chris: In your webpage for nset, it would easier if you assign an ID to the SCRIPT element(s) that load the external javascript files.
%(#804000)[<SCRIPT ID='nset_core_js' LINK='..path../core.js'>]
Then in Firebug Lite, try inspecting by ID. Enter the ID name in the inspect control box. If that doesn't work, try entering:
document.getElementById('nset_core_js') -
Firebug page(s) to bookmark:
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