[Plugin] cgScenesMAC please use other post
John (driven) kindly made a Mac version which you can download from here
Helps manage scenes, layers and components in a single re-sizable automated interface.
Hi Chris,
thanks for the credit, but i only did a tiny bit of tidying, basically to remove DOS editor mess.... HTM and whitespace,
I've been having a play with using Chrome Browser's Developers Editor for checking some files, so I'll see if I can run nSets through that, seems to be a Mac issue with it's .json files, I've purged the rest, the same as cgScenes, so that's all that's left...
BTW. it's nice to be able to see what it does
Thanks again John.
It seems I should have used the original plugin post, so I will do that now, as the topic has come to the top.