Work Availible - details inside
@toxicvoxel said:
You are underwriting exploitation of your members...
Sorry, Toxic... Can't agree with you on this one...
First of all, people can make their own judgement and if they want to persue this opportunity, they're free to do so...
For those who find the offer cheap - just ignore it...What Gaieus - and thereby the SCF - is doing, is offering some space here to let people post such offerings...
Perhaps you should also remember, that there's A LOT of very talented young people, using SU... Most of these are using SU because it's lots of FUN, but if they can make a dollar or two on some real projects, why not let them...
Please also remember that in some parts of the world this is actually an OK paid job...@gaieus said:
We used to have such a "Job board" but the result was that some people only visited SCF in order to bump their "services" there from time to time so it was closed and folded into the Corner Bar.
I find this being a shame... In these days, you should IMO re-consider it...
I remember the "original" SU Forum (back in the good old @Last days), where the Job board was a sub-forum to the Corner bar...
As I recall it, it worked OK back then...Just my 2 cents...
My proverbial 2 cents.....
I think that an SCF job board should work in reverse, I'd like to see users that want or need work should have a section where they can exhibit their work, link to previous works, etc, they can give as much or little info as they feel necessary, or maybe even have a template.
This section could be search-able by talent seekers by means of key words, maybe even a gallery of images, etc.
How does SCF pay for this I hear you asking.... well for every user commissioned the client pays SCF a minimal finders fee based on a percentage of project.
Just an idea, probably many problems with this idea, but an idea regardless.
@frederik said:
What Gaieus - and thereby the SCF - is doing, is offering some space here to let people post such offerings...
There are quite a few recent examples of posts where work /employment has been offered by anonymous companies/individuals requesting detailed personal info and portfolios. In the age where ID theft is rampant does it not make sense that such entities should declare their details in order to make these requests? Professional companies will not be dependent on marketing materials provided by subcontractors and this alone should raise a question mark.
@unknownuser said:
Perhaps you should also remember, that there's A LOT of very talented young people, using SU... Most of these are using SU because it's lots of FUN, but if they can make a dollar or two on some real projects, why not let them...
Please also remember that in some parts of the world this is actually an OK paid job...
You assume that they will get paid and not be exploited when all the danger signs are there. Professional companies will not expect to pay third world rates when they are selling on the service based on first world fees. If they do then that is exploitation.A reasonable policy would be that a company should offer the services at the market rates of the country within which it is located. This together with available info about the business and some sort of confirmation that the poster has authority to make the request should provide a far more reasonable proposition if you wish to ensure that the young people you refer to are not exploited.
@toxicvoxel said:
You assume that they will get paid and not be exploited when all the danger signs are there. Professional companies will not expect to pay third world rates when they are selling on the service based on first world fees. If they do then that is exploitation.
I think it is up to think it is up to the individual to decide what is an acceptable rate. By analogy, no government insists manufacturers pay overseas suppliers local rates.
Toxic, we're going off topic, but just to give you an example...
If you should purchase 2.000 caps or more, with embroidery of a company logo, I'm certain you wouldn't purchase it in Europe or any other - so called - country in the Western part of the world...
Why...?? Because they would be far too expensive compared to what you could purchase the same cap for in India or China...Is that also exploration...??
@unknownuser said:
I think it is up to think it is up to the individual to decide what is an acceptable rate. By analogy, no government insists manufacturers pay overseas suppliers local rates.
But most governments do have requirements relating to outsourcing services across borders and youngsters here should be aware of that. Anybody offering/accepting services outside their regulatory framework could be breaking the law.
Given the fact that the moderation here will sanction entire threads even at the merest suggestion of copyright infringement your general stance relating to providing a platform for potential rip-off merchants seems inconsistent.
@unknownuser said:
Is that also exploration...??
Exploration no, but exploitation probably. Especially if we show unquestioning support for an enterprise where you do not know under which conditions the caps are made by exploiting under aged labor.
The world is moving on from one where decisions are made merely on price. Looming environmental and recent financial chaos dictates that you have to consider things from a wider perspective and not blindly support vendors and products without an understanding of how your support may be contributing and sustaining an exploitative or disruptive enterprise.
@toxicvoxel said:
Anybody offering/accepting services outside their regulatory framework could be breaking the law.
Please expand, id be very interested to know how accepting work from overseas could break the law.
@unknownuser said:
Given the fact that the moderation here will sanction entire threads even at the merest suggestion of copyright infringement your general stance relating to providing a platform for potential rip-off merchants seems inconsistent.
I think the key word here is potential. It is nigh on impossible for anyone to tell whether someone plans to rip someone off. A company providing details makes no difference to this: a freelancer simply does not have the resources to try and legally extract money from a company.
Lastly, when you consider what could happen (either lose half a days work when company x doesnt pay you the full amount (using 'half now half on completion') or get a good relationship going with company x which provides reliable income for a few weeks/months) id personally consider it worth the risk.
p.s. These are just my opinions and arent SCF policy (although i don't think there is one at the moment.)
@toxicvoxel said:
Exploration no, but exploitation probably.
Well... Sorry for my typing mistake...
I certainly meant exploitation (please remember that English isn't my native tongue...)@toxicvoxel said:
Especially if we show unquestioning support for an enterprise where you do not know under which conditions the caps are made by exploiting under aged labor.
I agree with you here... But that's not the question... We need to make sure that the labor used for this isn't under age... (how could it be in case of a SU model...?
So if you were to be OK with this, the SCF should ensure that the company offering such kind of jobs, are not exploiting users...???
@toxicvoxel said:
The world is moving on from one where decisions are made merely on price.
I can agree with you that companies surely are looking for suppliers and sub-contractors, where they can purchase goods or services to lowest possible price... (I bet you do the same...!)
If you can get the same job done for half the price somewhere, knowing that the reason for why the price is 50% less hasn't anything to do with exploiting under aged workers or alike, you will also place your order where you could get the service or item at the lowest price...
Nothing wrong with that...! -
Hi Guys,
There are some interesting comments being voiced here. As Remus says, SketchUcation does not actually have a policy on job offers / work seeking. I think it may be time that we formed such a policy.
I also agree that there are quite a few announcements being posted lately. As I see it, the problem for members taking up these offers is that they could be putting themselves out on a limb. I doubt very much that the job posters would be willing to work under an initial deposit arrangement.
I think SketchUcation could set up a system whereby both parties could be protected but what I have in mind would involve taking out indemnity insurance and that is expensive but maybe worth it if there was enough transactions involved.
I will talk to my fellow directors about various options and see what we can come up with. As pure coincidence would have it, I was approached on Friday last by an established company seeking someone with sketchyphysics experience.
I will post this job offer on the forums and see how things work out. It might be worth treating this as a learning experience with a view to setting up a workable system.
@apricoteds said:
Hi Guys
If this is not a preferred place to look for skilled sketchup guys for commercial purposes then no worries, sorry for the trouble I will delete post. If it is ok to post this here then I'm looking for one maybe two sketchup pros to help with intermittent architectural sales work. Work is 3D sketch sales graphics and occasional walk arounds. Payment would initially be paid on a fixed rate basis per job until a working relationship is established then you will be involved in pricing work yourself. Generally the work is produced from 2D cad so spatial awareness and understanding of 2D CAD is a bonus.
Right now I have two jobs ready to go, small domestic 2/3 bedroom buildings worth $100-$200 for approx 10 sketchy/maybe rendered images and bonus cash for a walkaround. Like I mentioned, there is space to improve on money with time. I am UK based so will communicate in GMT hours. Message me your email and we can chat, I'd need to see some examples and would need your authority to provide your examples to my client as examples of work. I will sign confidentiality agreements and honour your rights of ownership to your original artwork that you send.
Hope to hear soon!
hi mate i am a full time student who is quite sufficent with 2D cad and also have been recently using sketchup where upon we have had to design an extension in 2d cad and also a 3D design in google sketchup and i am currently looking for some design work this sounds like a brilliant oppertunity if you are still looking for someone and i am also in UK please get in touch at ooodysez(at)hotmail(dot)co(dot)uk