Carnegie Library Modeling Expanding into Iowa
One of our team members that has made some great contributions to our Carnegie Library Preservation Project is now going to be in charge of administrating development of the Carnegie Library 3D record in the state of Iowa.
Leedeetee, one of the members here at SCF is setting up communication and location information at our Google group site, 3D Carnegie which can be seen here.
Our overall collection and project direction has moved forward due to having others that have contacted us with information they have gathered, with an interest in having their work represented in 3D models, and presented in Google Earth.
The CLIP group of the university of Iowa is one of those projects. Their work can be seen here.
Larry Nix, a library historian has shown interest in having a 3D record of Carnegie Library buildings modeled for the state of Wisconsin. His work collection can be seen here.
So if you are interested in being involved, there are places where you can plug into our project.
If you are from another state, and would like to contribute your local Carnegie Library buildings, contact us, and let us know what you have in mind.
The buildings don't have to still be libraries, they just have to be recognized as originally being Carnegie's. It might take some detective work to locate and get accurate information, of which Leedeetee is working on an outline for this type of information gathering, which should help out a lot. Thanks Lee.
This is an opportunity to be a part of history. Come join the fun.
The Carnegie Library Historic Preservation Collection
3D Carnegie Group Page
Join here.
One other note. We are coming up on the 100 year celebration of the Carnegie Foundation. 1911 - 2011 I can't think of a better tribute then to have this collection of 3D models to offer up for all to see and enjoy.