The Samson - Avatar Movie 2009
Added the fuel boom and started work on the cockpit.
looking mint mate....but the facets to the circle are distracting. are you sure the render app is applying soft edges? are they soft in sketchup?
Thanks Oli, yeah I noticed that and was very disappointed! Im using kerk and this is my first go so I wasn't expecting miracles but this was a bit of a let down. I have somebody who helps me with kerk on another forum im just waiting for a reply.
And no they are not soft edges in SU ill be sure to fix that straight away not sure how to fine tune it in kerk but thanks for the heads up. -
Nice man, great details your putting into it!
And to not see faceted edges just make sure it's smoothed in SU, that should do the work in Kerky, it always did for meCheers!
Model nearly done just a few more details and smoothing and fixing some geometry and it will be ready for materials and a decent render. Some of the parts such as the wheels are just placeholders until I build some decent ones!
really amazing model.
thanks, probs be finished tomorrow and then can try and work with kerk setting up lights and decent materials!
Fantastic bro! I love the details
Looking very good well done
Great attention to detail, lots of hard work you put in, well done mate.
thanks, yeah this was a tough one as its quite flowing and more curvy than I am used too. Ive crammed in the detail especially in the interior lets just see how far I can push it now where lighting and texturing is concerned!
More than happy with this model however its exceeded my expectations and ive learnt a lot in terms of new technique and practice along the way! Now its time for some long rendering hours. -
L to the Iam,
Bring the 887.
Nice, pour one.
Reviewing trailer for said film, I've noted your tail action is quite different from the movie version: SA-2 Samson... Perhaps yours is another model?
Have you been communing with the grays?
Once I viewed the Jack bird trailer for this film, and the YouTube video posted by all knowing Solo, I knew that designers working on this "show" had been receiving information from the meat puppets.
This kind of duel prop action is all the rage with them, as it allows for stable flight while viewing adult materials stolen from us -- our hard work -- they think nothing of ripping us off, so it's only right to return the favor.
I trust you know this L887, and you Solo, and are attempting to do the same -- more power to you in these Jack action efforts.
Bring it all around now.
Durant "I have fire in my loins" Hapke
"Reviewing trailer for said film, I've noted your tail action is quite different from the movie version: SA-2 Samson... Perhaps yours is another model? " lol for once you have said something that can be understood without reading twice haha.
yeah your right basically mine is a variant of the SA-2, its a combat search and rescue model. Ive made smaller doors, added a winch, door gunner, longer profile, sensor package on front, refuel boom, more powerful engine, added wheels instead of skids, changed the tail profile. basically its a different chopper save the rotors and the cockpit profile. I based it loosely on the merlin and puma helicopters in shape and the pavelow/pavehawk in function. When finished it will either be finished in the Royal Marines colours or Royal Air Force (UK).
This work is beyond the pale. I am curious, about how much time do you have in this?
best regards
18 days, if I condensed it maybe 40 hours straight excluding rendering times, latest one took 7 hours which I wll post soon
hey liam!!! cool work!! by the way how were you able to get the measurements of the vehicles of avatar movie???
@arjunmax09 said:
hey liam!!! cool work!! by the way how were you able to get the measurements of the vehicles of avatar movie???
just guesstimation , there is a surprising lack of reference material about!
well wasnt happy with a lot of the geometry so spent all this time cleaning it up a lot and getting rid of a load of it. Re-done the interior and will add some storage lockers and cargo webbing soon. Deleted the airlock doors they where far to bulky ill design some new ones soon. Added some windows fore of the main doors for the gunner that way the door is unobstructed.The door is open in these shots, it slides backwards over the two glass windows. The smaller window forward of the door behind the cockpit where the gunner will go will have a solid cover that slides forward in the opposite direction of the door. Anyway here it is so far again:
Looking good
. Have you decided how to handle the FLIR and refuel boom issue yet?
Yeah just having a telescopic boom. Already tried it out and it works. As for the door gun got sent a few pics and I did well in what ive done but off on a few aspects. As you can see form the shot its got 3 barrels and each one is fed from a separate ammo belt. Also my version was upside down lol. Nearly finished it now so ill post the new version soon.
EDIT: here it is so far, the ammo drum will be inside the samson. Didn't like the stock on the movie one so ive gone with a more precise one based on a rifle, this allows the gunner to get down and be more accurate. My gunner will be inside the samson shooting through a small opening not exposed like the one shown in the movie still.