DWanimations exterior project in progres C&C welcome
Hi Dirk, it's a really well done work,
I'm curious about your workflow, what's done in SU and what with rendering engine or postpro etc.
I could make just a comment, if the final use is the building's presentation perhaps environment, flares and blur effects divert attention from the subject.
Luca -
Excellent! I love it! Congrats!
PS: Are you still using v-ray? -
Hi Luca,
Thanks for the coment.
And I like a dramatic scene, thats just my stile and a trademark of my company...
The work flow I used for this one is still very basic just. (I am in an early face of the project)
SU --> Vray --> PSHi stefanq
YEAH I like Vray a lot...
How are you doing by the way..?best
Beautiful rendering, Dirk.
I like the composite look of this alot... cut and paste into my 'inspiration' folder
Wow Dirk, I like Your a bit dramatic style a lot.
Any suggestions or tutorial how the hell did you achieve this fantastic grass?Just wonderful!
nice, but the rear wood cladding seems a little burnt out compared to the front.
Nice work, last one lacking focus though
Thanks for your kind reactions:
-olishea: could you please explain what you mean whit "lack of focus"?
-cadmunkey: Thanks for the nice words. I agree whit your comment about the wood. Thanks for pointing me in that direction
-markpyvi: I could make a tutorial yeah.. I am just wondering If people would be interested..
@unknownuser said:
-markpyvi: I could make a tutorial yeah.. I am just wondering If people would be interested..
well +1 here
well the angle suggests there is something going on to the left....your eye is directed there when there is no focal point, just bushes. also, blurring the sky and greenery almost makes the building look like a scale model (in 1st image). but nice images nonetheless, great colour palette.
I see and I agree, but the camera position was the call of my client. I could put a little bit of DOF so the house is more in focus....
Hmmmm Interesting comment about the first image... But I do not see the comparison whit a scale model.
@unknownuser said:
new render C&C most welcome
I like the one with the trees creating foreground framing. I have been known to carry tree branches (both real and plastic) with me on photo assignments to force the perspective and add depth to a shot. Also like how just a whisper of color has creeped into the otherwise desaturated building. The total desaturation gives an aura of unreality, but it pleasantly catches my eye. Even the most weather wood would have some color event it was reflection from surroundings or sky.
Hi Roger
Thanks For the kind words I relay appreciate it a lot. The trees had exactly the same purpose in this scene as whit your photographic work. The thing whit the renders here is that I wanted not to just let it look real. But to give it an extra artistic touch... That is what I try`t to achieve.