How to install a Ruby Gem for use in SketchUp
weird. it loads properly under Ruby command line, but it gives a DLL init error when loading under SU.
tried to rebuild with PellesC and I get the same error. I think maybe it is due BugSplat library SEH control that screw things suggestion - get another ruby profiler library
I've build it on a Mac and works just fine. I had to remove some Rails stuff from the startup but it works pretty nicely too.
Whaat, you should have in you plugins folder:
ruby-prof (folder)ruby-prof.rb just loads all the ancillary files as normal.
Can you give the actual error you get.
@adamb said:
I've build it on a Mac and works just fine. I had to remove some Rails stuff from the startup but it works pretty nicely too.
Whaat, you should have in you plugins folder:
ruby-prof (folder)ruby-prof.rb just loads all the ancillary files as normal.
Can you give the actual error you get.
Hi Adam,
I posted the error above. I'm not sure what you mean.
And...I put the correct files in the plugins folder as you say.
Seems like a Windows issue. I'll have to try it on my Mac yet to see if I can get it to work.Thanks.
When I installed yaml, I noticed there may be a case issue - I had to use:
require 'Yaml'
(orrequire 'YAML'
) becauserequire 'yaml'
did not work; although the library file names were all lower case. (Windows XP SP 3)I unfortunately no longer have it installed so I'm going from memory here...
@adamb said:
Can you give the actual error you get.
when in Sketchup, require '' breaks in LoadLibrary function with 'Exception C0000139 Entry Point Not Found' which is weird as it works in normal Ruby
Could it be a PATH issue?
@unknownuser said:
Could it be a PATH issue?
there is only loading the .so file which has dependency only for kernel32.dll, msvcrt and msvcrt-ruby18 - all loaded by SU anyway.
Yep, I see the same thing here. On windows it simply wont load. I've rebuilt it locally too.
@unknownuser said:
when in Sketchup, require '' breaks in LoadLibrary function with 'Exception C0000139 Entry Point Not Found' which is weird as it works in normal Ruby
What version is the msvcrt-ruby18.dll...
...that works in normal ruby?
...that does NOT work in the SU folder?
(I got a similar error when I tried to get SU to load the 1.9.1 version ruby dll)
Dan: thanks, that was the problem. in Sketchup there were msvcrt-ruby18.dll version 1.8.0 and in Ruby was version 1.8.6
replacing the dll in Sketchup dir with the one from Ruby dir I was able to load
RubyProf.measure_mode = RubyProf;;CPU_TIME RubyProf.start Sketchup.active_model.entities.each {|x| x.class} result = RubyProf.stop "d;/profile.txt", 'w' do |file| RubyProf;; end
Thread ID; 32679270 Total; 7.168426 %self total self wait child calls name 48.70 4.38 3.49 0.00 0.89 1 Sketchup;;Entities#each 20.50 7.17 1.47 0.00 5.70 1 Global#[No method] 12.39 0.89 0.89 0.00 0.00 23 Kernel#class 11.84 0.85 0.85 0.00 0.00 1 <Module;;Sketchup>#active_model 6.57 0.47 0.47 0.00 0.00 1 Sketchup;;Model#entities
Awesome! Thanks everyone! I hope I can get it working too...
@unknownuser said:
Dan: thanks, that was the problem. in Sketchup there were msvcrt-ruby18.dll version 1.8.0 and in Ruby was version 1.8.6
replacing the dll in Sketchup dir with the one from Ruby dir I was able to load RubyProf
I thought so!
I always tell people, IF your using full ruby libraries with Sketchup... to make the msvcrt-ruby18.dll file in the Sketchup program folder/directory, the SAME version as your full ruby version. Otherwise your asking for Errors (such as newer library scripts calling methods that the older interpreter doesn't understand.)
I've given this advice several times over at Google Groups SU Developer's forum. Not sure if I have here. I also always say make a Sketchup/_BACKUP folder and drag the older DLL into that folder, before copying the newer 'full' DLL from the ruby/bin folder. (You never know, you may have a future need to test a script, running under the old DLL version.)
Glad I could help.
@Jim: Maybe this issue needs to be added to the Ruby Tips for Sketchup Sticky Links page?
Re: Ruby Interpreter DLL: SketchUp vs Standard
I downloaded the normal standard v 1.8.0 patch level 10 DLL (msvcrt-ruby18.dll) from:
and compared it against the backup that was installed with Sketchup v7.0 application.Both standard DOS command comp and the Support Tool WinDiff report both DLL files are identical.
*(WinDiff is a file comparison utility that is installed with Windows Support Tools. The Support Tools are not installed automatically with Windows. You must manually browse the WIN install CD to the "Support Tools" folder, and run a separate setup.exeto install the tools.)
Re: Ruby Interpreter DLL: SketchUp vs Standard
The Support Tool filever.exe displays versioning information inside exe and dll files:
DOS cmd shell, filever verbose listing, in folder:
C:\Program Files\Google\Google SketchUp 7_Backup
This is the DLL file distro'd with Sketchup 7.x>filever msvcrt-ruby18.dll /v --a-- W32i DLL - shp 811,008 02-19-2009 msvcrt-ruby18.dll Language 0x0000 (Language Neutral) CharSet 0x04b0 Unicode OleSelfRegister Disabled FileDescription Ruby interpreter InternalName msvcrt-ruby18.dll OriginalFilenam msvcrt-ruby18.dll ProductVersion 1,8,0,0 FileVersion 1,8,0,0 LegalCopyright Copyright (C) 1993-2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto OleSelfRegister Disabled VS_FIXEDFILEINFO; Signature; feef04bd Struc Ver; 00010000 FileVer; 00010008;00000000 (1.8;0.0) ProdVer; 00010008;00000000 (1.8;0.0) FlagMask; 0000003f Flags; 00000000 OS; 00000004 Win32 FileType; 00000002 Dll SubType; 00000000 FileDate; 00000000;00000000
This is the DLL file distro'd with Ruby ver 1.8.0-10
>filever v180-10\msvcrt-ruby18.dll /v --a-- W32i DLL - shp 811,008 08-11-2003 msvcrt-ruby18.dll Language 0x0000 (Language Neutral) CharSet 0x04b0 Unicode OleSelfRegister Disabled FileDescription Ruby interpreter InternalName msvcrt-ruby18.dll OriginalFilenam msvcrt-ruby18.dll ProductVersion 1,8,0,0 FileVersion 1,8,0,0 LegalCopyright Copyright (C) 1993-2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto OleSelfRegister Disabled VS_FIXEDFILEINFO; Signature; feef04bd Struc Ver; 00010000 FileVer; 00010008;00000000 (1.8;0.0) ProdVer; 00010008;00000000 (1.8;0.0) FlagMask; 0000003f Flags; 00000000 OS; 00000004 Win32 FileType; 00000002 Dll SubType; 00000000 FileDate; 00000000;00000000
*(filever is a file version utility that is installed with Windows Support Tools. The Support Tools are not installed automatically with Windows. You must manually browse the WIN install CD to the "Support Tools" folder, and run a separate setup.exeto install the tools.)
Given there are many fixes between 1.8.0 and 1.8.6 - and using 1.8.6 doesn't seem to cause problems - I don't know why Google are shipping quite so old a dll. In particular, I noticed a few fixes in the changelogs to Ruby related to memory leaks.
FYI Mac Sketchup uses 1.8.5
Re: Ruby Interpreter DLL: SketchUp vs Standard
The Support Tool bindiff.exe reports both files are identical.
DOS cmd shell in folder:
C:\Program Files\Google\Google SketchUp 7_Backup>bindiff /c msvcrt-ruby18.dll v180-10\msvcrt-ruby18.dll Identical 811,008 bytes File Count Summary Identical; 1 files Near Identical; 0 files Different; 0 files Left Only; 0 files Right Only; 0 files Errors; 0 files Total; 1 files Byte Count Summary Matched; 0 bytes differ Left Only; 0 bytes Right Only; 0 bytes Total; 0 bytes
*(bindiff is a binary file comparison utility that is installed with Windows Support Tools. The Support Tools are not installed automatically with Windows. You must manually browse the WIN install CD to the "Support Tools" folder, and run a separate setup.exeto install the tools.)
@adamb said:
... I don't know why Google are shipping quite so old a dll. ...
It may just be a staffing issue, they know it works with 1.8.0, but are probably reluctant to ship with 1.8.6 without massive testing. I can see management feeling such an task as being low priority.There was also at least one person at Google, who thought wrongly (the removed quote above,) that Ruby for Sketchup had to remain at v1.8.0 because the DLL (they thought,) had been extensively modified and compiled specially for Sketchup; and that to update to 1.8.6 or any other later release would be a huge project, not likely to occur any time soon.
__Well, I think I've proved that assumption incorrect. The Ruby Interpreter DLLs are just copies of those distro'd with standard Ruby.@adamb said:
Given there are many fixes between 1.8.0 and 1.8.6 - and using 1.8.6 doesn't seem to cause problems - ... In particular, I noticed a few fixes in the changelogs to Ruby related to memory leaks.
A good reason to use 1.8.6 with Sketchup, and I have been since a few days after I installed 7.0 (and have had no problems, so far.)I would feel that 1.8.7 is still not ready (it just had a recent release to fix major security bugs.) But it's almost there.
I tried to get Sketchup to load 1.9.1, but it did not like the DLL. I got the 'Entry Point Not Found' error. (Not sure if it was the Ruby guys who changed things, or if it was me renaming the msvcrt-ruby191.dll to msvcrt-ruby18.dll that was the problem.)
There are those of us, who wish to run newer Ruby releases (especially the non-english users who need multibyte character support in the 1.9.x branch.) We should be able to run any Ruby release we wish.. and it would be nice if Sketchup was setup to facilitate our choice.
@adamb said:
FYI Mac Sketchup uses 1.8.5
I suspect because of the major differences in OSX and Win32 programming, that there are different people working on the two implementations.Does OSX Leopard come with ver 1.8.5 pre-installed?
_ -
hmmm...I replaced the original DLL with the 1.8.6 version and I am now getting this message at Startup
Error Loading File ruby-prof.rb
no such file to load -- erbI have, ruby-prof.rb and the ruby-prof folder in my plugins folder.
Any ideas?
comment out these lines from ruby-prof.rb if you dont want pretty outputs or add erb.rb to your ruby-prof dir (I choosed the first one
require "ruby-prof/graph_printer" require "ruby-prof/graph_html_printer"
@dan rathbun said:
Anyone want to make a Mac version out of this?
_making one is out of my league, but I'd like to use it if someone does, I'm attempting to learn ruby as my first, ever, programming language, any tools that work with ruby, SU and Mac should aid may grasp on the mechanics...
any other recommendations welcome.
EDIT: I was digging around in systems library and came across this, can anyone shine a light on it's meaning and if it may be causing any of the many Mac ruby glitches that rear their heads.
Notes on building the stand-alone reader.
When trying to link with only MacWin and Utils, EqualTol came up as an unresolved external, so someone must be including Tol.h or something at the wrong level.
Text.cpp in Model includes BaseApp/BaseAppServices.h. It is calling GetActiveView(). It should be restructured so that it doesn't need to call this.
Model/MergeController.cpp is calling AppServices::GetUndoManager() which is not defined at the Model level.
InstancePath.cpp and SectionPlane.cpp both reference CPickRecord which is not defined at the Model level.
SteStatusText should be removed from PushPullController.cpp
The output variable for OpenDocument should be of type IDocument rather than IDispatch.
Need Mac implementations of OpenDocument and CloseDocument.
(added in special reader version of XApplication.cpp) -
OpenDocument and CloseDocument are not implemented in the standard version of XApplicaiton. I have copied XAxpplication to the Reader folder so that I can implement this for the reader without changing SketchUp. After 3.0 releases, these implementations should be merged.
IApplication::CloseDocument is a worthless method. There should really be a Close method on Document instead. Or at least CloseDocument should take an argument to tell you which document you should close. Maybe XDocument should delete the CSketchUpModel if it was created by a call to OpenDocument?
Some methods still return IDispatch* rather than the real type. For example, get_Relationships.