Coffee Table Design
Hi all
I was wondering if anyone has come across plans for a coffee table similar to the attached. Thanks in advance for your help.Glenn
Looks fairly simple, any reason you particularly need plans? Should be fairly simple to do by eye if not.
Remus, me thinks he wants to actually build it, not just model it.
i would have thought it would be fairly simple to eye up some dimensions anyway, fairly easy to check everythings reasonably proportioned using the SU model as well...
If you don't manage to find plans or model it yourself, I could probably make something up for you. Do you have overall dimensions?
Dave, thanks for your generous offer but being relatively new to SU, I thought this would be a good project to take all the way through the process of design and build and was just looking for an example to get me started. Still waiting on my son to give me some dimensions to get started. Wouldn't mind your feedback when I get a model started.
Glenn, I'll be happy to give you all the feedback you want. Maybe more than you want.
This would certainly be a good project to get you through the entire process.
Do you have questions about the construction methods? Types of joinery, etc.? Are you planning to make traditional drawers and use wood for runners and kickers? Dovetails for the drawers? False fronts?