Photoshop in your browser
If you're into grabbing images off the Net, but don't want to clutter your hard drive with them until you've decided whether they're useful or not...then this is for you. It will also edit images already on your system.
Pixlr is a free Firefox add-on that will perform most Photoshop functions...including layers and filters...right there in your browser.
Just right-click on any image you're interested in and edit it there and then without having to save it to your desktop first.As you can see, the GUI is pretty much identical tp PS...but you can grab a jpg, unlock the background, then use the eraser to create a trasparent png billboard without ever leaving Firefox. It's multilingual too....unless you're Magyar. -
Wow. Wasnt expecting much form my previous experiences of in-browser editing tools but thats great, to the extent that i can actually imagine myself using it on a fairly regular basis.
Forgot to say: a quality find alan
You have also Sumo Paint since 2 years
(has not the "grab" function but have more functions) -
The more you go into this the better it gets. It even has shortcut keys...although they are different from PS...<> for brush resizing, instead of []....and Ctrl instead of Alt for sampling. And it supports my Wacom. For most everyday tasks, this is every bit as good as the big boys like PS, Photopaint or PSP.
That is pretty amazing, works in google chrome too. Could save some money on PS licenses at my office (I've tried to get them to use Gimp but they dont like the gui).
Import inside by Url of Image
@linea said:
That is pretty amazing, works in google chrome too. Could save some money on PS licenses at my office (I've tried to get them to use Gimp but they dont like the gui).
I don't have Photoshop but I'll save a whole lot with this!