Blender 2.5 Alpha 0
Undo might be broken in the 2.5 release. Ctrl Z works in 2.49. I use the portable version and it works great.
Also another good tip is the "K" key. Use it to knife or loop cut. Since there is no "pencil" tool in quad modeling programs, use the loop cut to divide a face in the appropriate sections and create windows and such. Boolean modifier also works well. Loop cut is also good to add some "weight" to an edge that will be subdivided.
Personally I'd rather use sketchup for architectural stuff any day of the week. Nothing beats the tape measure / line tool combo. For organic shapes, Blender is the best of the "FREE" apps.
Remus, how do you "box" select in Blender? (drag a selection window?)
Some videos tutorial
(for 2.5 and 2.49)
THanks for the tutorial link Remus. Wow, 2.5 looks a lot like Modo.
I was just going to start complaining that I'd started to figure out where everything was in the old Blender when I saw the new GUI open up. I looked around and started to find things much more easily (the old GUI was a PITA to figure out, I've been playing with Blender since 1.somethingorother and still haven't got it all right) and was turning that cube into the Venus de Milo in no time flat.
No, not really. But I do think the new layout is much better.
All these improvements and it makes me think that they're going to start charging for this stuff soon.
EDIT: OK, now I'm getting frustrated - where's my space-bar menu? My right/left click menu? My verticies/faces/edges selection? They moved them!
EDIT x 2: Figured it out. I'm loving this new setup! They got rid of the annoying movement selection, and now it extrudes on axis automatically! Fantastic!
Found the tutorials I was referring to. Not specific for 2.5, but a really good run down about blender functionality. -
Also found the box select option - "B" key - duh! Also tap B key twice to bring up circle select. Scroll wheel to change the size of the selection circle.
I gotta ask, where'd the plugins go? I threw some scripts in the usual place, but I can't find anything in the menus that will run a plugin.
Good video walkthrus are available here:
and here is a series of walkthrus:
At the following is is a whole bunch of other walkthrus:
The link below also has a simple walkthru as well:
And on Vimeo, one for Maya users:
Cheers 11zulu, always handy to have a good stack to go through when i've got a bit of spare time