Posable Figure - FigureUp
Posable Figure. Girl type.
Download from here. 3Dwarehouse
http://sketchup.google.com/3dwarehouse/details?mid=e647e6012bf8239e7ca46192d8b30882How to Use (Kor)
http://www.elfism.com/entry/FigureUPmanual -
very useful! thanks for sharing
videos by Labica
[flash=425,344:3g2sk5d1]http://www.youtube.com/v/AUfgWDUz9QI&hl=fr_FR&fs=1[/flash:3g2sk5d1] -
There is a great idea!
Thanks for sharing and posting the videos
Thanks and greetings -
Hi labica,
This is one of the most innovative uses of an SU adjustable model I have seen for some time. Hopefully you will develop other figures in time.
Thanks for sharing AND SketchUcation has in deed 'Bought you a Beer', enjoy it
PS: Here is a link to a translated page, http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=ko&u=http://1cut.textcube.com/entry/FigureUPmanual&ei=5U8VS9zgL4KUjAeT9MiZBg&sa=X&oi=translate&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CAgQ7gEwAA&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dhttp://1cut.textcube.com/entry/FigureUPmanual%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Dactive%26client%3Dopera%26rls%3Den%26hs%3D4Wr
Thank you for opinion and Beer~
I'm thinking about next Figureup model. It will be a male type.
But This will take long time.
My main work (for earn money) is Game Designer. <- Do you know about Lostsaga with OGP?
second one is Making comic.
And Third one is making Figureup.Sorry, my english is very poor..OTL
Thank you, I didn't know about the "replace selected" trick. It will come in handy.
This sounds like a very cool introduction to comics for artistically challenged people like myself.
Congratulations and thank you!
Well after fooling around with it
I found out you just keep on editing groups then use the rotate tool to turn it right. But its really hard to get the right pose without a similar action figure to help.
Second FigureUp Model Update!!! Male Hero.
For Download (FullSet. Zip
For Download (3dwarehouse. Standard Pose) : http://sketchup.google.com/3dwarehouse/details?mid=604afd6021288aae6edc0d757feeb6b -
By Labica
[flash=425,344:18nuil88]http://www.youtube.com/v/7Y83RhnFgws&hl=fr_FR&fs=1[/flash:18nuil88] -
Thanks again labica!
@labica said:
Second FigureUp Model Update!!! Male Hero.
For Download (FullSet. Zip
For Download (3dwarehouse. Standard Pose) : http://sketchup.google.com/3dwarehouse/details?mid=604afd6021288aae6edc0d757feeb6bAWE-A-AW-A-AW-SOME!
Hi labica. thanks for sharing this.
I'm really apreciatedDo you also have a male model more "normal" and not with so much muscles, that you can share?
Thanks again
Comment Thank you!
Muscle man is my second workpiece.
Unfortunately, the standard type does not exist yet.
But next time I create a model is expected to proceed with the normal type.
Thank you. -
Wow!! Nice Scene!! Thanks KXI System.
Do you mean...like this?? http://www.elfism.com/entry/Cut0141
Yes. It is My Works.
For drawing BackGround, I use Sketchup.
and FigureUp is the one for that Works. -
hai there, very2 nice one.
i already download it, btw how about making manga head? i can't get the feel of making chibi characters. can anyone help me?