β οΈ Important | Please update Libfredo to v15.1a for bugfixes associated to SketchUp 2025 and below
My question
My name is Swindel, and I downloaded SketchyPhysics a while ago, it's an awesome project!
But, I still have a problem...On the Google 3d Warehouse, there are many models saying that they are SketchyPhysics, the people in the ratings say it works great for them, but when I download the models and press "Play", they just literally fall apart.
Any ideas what I am doing wrong?For any help that anyone could give, thanks!
You're probably using an old version of SketchyPhysics... try downloading SketchyPhysics 3 Release Candidate 1 (SP3 RC1) at http://sketchyphysics.wikia.com (under 'SP Download and Links')
Thanks Wacov! You made my day
Thanks extremely much,
Swindel -
You're welcome